CommandType Name Version --- --- --- Function Get-NetFirewallServiceFilter Function Set-NetFirewallServiceFilter Cmdlet Get-Service Cmdlet New-Service Cmdlet New-WebServiceProxy Cmdlet Restart-Service Cmdlet Resume-Service Cmdlet Set-Ser...
Out-Host Cmdlet Microsoft.PowerShell.Core Sen... Start-Job Cmdlet Microsoft.PowerShell.Core Sta... Where-Object Cmdlet Microsoft.PowerShell.Core Sel... Debug-Process Cmdlet Microsoft.PowerShell.M... Deb... Get-Process Cmdlet Microsoft.PowerShell.M... Get... Get-WmiObject Cmdlet Microsoft.Po...
Restart-Computer 已在7.1 中新增 Linux/macOS 支援 Restart-Service 僅限Windows Restore-Computer 僅限Windows Resume-Service 僅限Windows Set-Clipboard Set-Content Set-Item 設置-ItemProperty Set-Location Set-Service 僅限Windows Set-TimeZone 僅限Windows Set-WmiInstance 僅限Windows Show-ControlPanel...
asaJobName 要自动暂停的流分析作业的名称。 然后更新 PowerShell 脚本,以相应地加载变量: PowerShell 复制 $maxInputBacklog = $env:maxInputBacklog $maxWatermark = $env:maxWatermark $restartThresholdMinute = $env:restartThresholdMinute $stopThresholdMinute = $env:stopThresholdMinute $subscriptionId = ...
./ssm install-restart <serverFolder>- create scheduled task to restart server daily. ./ssm install-backup <serverFolder>- create scheduled task to backup server daily. ./ssm install-mod <serverFolder>- Install Sourcemod or Oxide for specified servers ...
模块: PSScheduledJob 更改计划作业。语法PowerShell 复制 Set-ScheduledJob [-Name <String>] [-ScriptBlock <ScriptBlock>] [-Trigger <ScheduledJobTrigger[]>] [-InitializationScript <ScriptBlock>] [-RunAs32] [-Credential <PSCredential>] [-Authentication <AuthenticationMechanism>] [-ScheduledJobOption...
-RestartStop the service, then start it again -StatusDisplay the current state of the service -ServiceRun the service instance (for use only by the service.exe stub) -VersionDisplay the service version Common Parameters-? , -Verbose , -Debug and so forth ...
Wait * * * * Wait-Job * * * * Where * * * * * * * * Where-Object Microsoft.PowerShell.Utility Name Alias Clixml Command Csv Culture Custom Date Debug Default —- —– —— ——- — ——- —— —- —– ——- Add * * * * * * * * * ...
Restart Powershell command line Use Connect-AzAccount and log in successfully Remove-module on Az.Accounts Restore all 2.* module versions for Az.Accounts Re-issue Connect-AzAccount and log in successfully (no errors) However, the next time I load up Powershell command I receive the error once...
Job failed (system failure): prepare environment: Error response from daemon: hcs::CreateComputeSystem ebdc96f03774dab0cabf9c53d9e68eefe565a3e3209a55425ce93a26d014b320: The parameter is incorrect. (exec.go:78:0s). Check