CoproBan is an easy-to-feed, roast beef flavored coprophagia deterrent that dogs love! Formulated to assist in the breakdown of fiber, CoproBan’s ingredients render the taste and texture of the stools unpleasant to eat. And it’s conveniently formulated as a 3-gram soft chew, so it’s e...
Drinking and boredom are much more closely linked than most might think at first. Many bored people will drink even if they aren’t particularly fond of alcohol or its effects.
Do you ever eat or do your habit out of boredom? Most of us do. On today’s episode of theChristian Habits Podcast, we’ll talk about how to stop boredom eating and boredom habiting. It’s particularly tempting to give in to boredom eating and habiting when we’re in a long boring...
Dogs eating rabbit poop is a common and repulsive problem for many pet owners. Learn what causes this behavior and how to prevent it with these easy and helpful tips.
RELATED:Get tips for helping kids with emotional eating here. Why Do We Stress Eat? The cause(s) of stress eating vary from person to person. However,some of the common triggers for people are: Boredom Cortisol levels Loneliness Busyness ...
Is it anxiety? Boredom? Sadness? Just naming the feeling or emotion can be a huge step in deciding to do something instead of eating. You can use our Emotion Wheel below if you need help figuring out what exactly it is you’re feeling: ...
It’s also important not to eat out of boredom or stress when there are plenty of other options for coping with these feelings, such as exercising or even talking with someone about how they’re feeling. This way, you won’t have to resort to eating unhealthy foods every time you feel ...
A dog stealing food can lead to problems, whether that’s eating something dangerous or another animal in the house not getting enough to eat, so you want to stop this behavior before it gets worse. Our canine pals steal food for different reasons; if you can determine why your pup is ...
“So many of my patients talk to me about late-night eating,” says Kirkpatrick; that's a key time that people eat too much. But you don’t need to fuel up in order to sleep. “You’re eating out of some other necessity,” Kirkpatrick says. Boredom? Fatigue? You might not have...
Another common reason isemotional eating. Emotions like boredom and stress are something many people experience on a regular basis. Many people also use food as a means to cope. This could look like reaching for snacks in the evening when you’re watching TV, or like getting home after a ...