You can create DIY, natural homemade dog repellants to stop dogs from pooping in your yard. For instance, you could mix 1 cup ofwhite vinegarwith 2 cups ofapple cider vinegar, and thenmist your lawn with it. Another option is to mix white vinegar with lime juice, soak cotton balls in ...
Make it a routine for your dog to potty right away when he gets outside before playing. Avoid talking and interacting with your dog when he is sent out to potty; let him concentrate on sniffing around. If you play in the yard with your dog, don't begin to play until after he has ...
I think the reason was a combination of rediscovering how fun barking was when we had a second dog to join in with him or he felt the need to be “tough” and protect her. It was probably a combination of both. My third Dachshund – Summit – loves to lay out in the yard and bar...