Can you solve this real interview question? Stone Game II - Alice and Bob continue their games with piles of stones. There are a number of piles arranged in a row, and each pile has a positive integer number of stones piles[i]. The objective of the game
原题链接在这里: 题目: Alex and Lee continue their games with piles of stones. There are a number of piles arranged in a row, and each pile has a positive integer number of stonespiles[i]. The objective of the game is to end with the most...
亚历克斯和李继续他们的石子游戏。许多堆石子 排成一行,每堆都有正整数颗石子 piles[i]。游戏以谁手中的石子最多来决出胜负。 亚历克斯和李轮流进行,亚历克斯先开始。最初,M = 1。 在每个玩家的回合中,该玩家可以拿走剩下的 前 X 堆的所有石子,其中 1 <= X <= 2M。然后,令 M = max(M, X)。 游戏...
class Solution{public:intstoneGameII(vector<int>&piles){intn=piles.size(),sum=0;vector<vector<int>>dp(n,vector<int>(n+1));for(inti=n-1;i>-1;i--){sum+=piles[i];for(intj=1;j<=n;j++){if(i+(j<<1)>=n)dp[i][j]=sum;elsefor(intk=1;k<=(j<<1);k++)dp[i][j]=m...
/** @lc app=leetcodeid=1140 lang=cpp** [1140] Stone Game II****algorithms* Medium (60.44%)* Likes: 121* Dislikes: 27* Total Accepted: 4.5K* Total Submissions: 7.5K* Testcase Example: '[2,7,9,4,4]'** Alex and Lee con...
1049 Last Stone Weight II 最后一块石头的重量 II Description: You are given an array of integers stones where stones[i] is the weight of the ith stone. We are playing a game with the stones. On each turn, we choose any two stones and smash them together. Suppose the stones have weight...
1140. Stone Game IIBiweekly Contest 51133. Largest Unique Number 1134. Armstrong Number 1135. Connecting Cities With Minimum Cost 1136. Parallel CoursesWeekly Contest 1461128. Number of Equivalent Domino Pairs 1129. Shortest Path with Alternating Colors 1130. Minimum Cost Tree From Leaf Values 1131...
.├── Array │ ├── │ ├── │ ├── │ ├── │ ├── │ ├── │ ├── │ ├── maximumSubarray... 类似题目: Stone Game 参考资料:
1classSolution {2privatevarsums = [Int](repeating:0, count:101)3privatevarhash = [[Int]](repeating: [Int](repeating:0, count:101), count:101)4func stoneGameII(_ piles: [Int]) ->Int {5let N =piles.count6ifN ==0{return0}7sums[N-1] = piles[N-1]8foriinstride(from: N-2,...