正文 1 有三种方法获得数据,具体如下:1、通过API获取实时数据请求地址:http://finance.yahoo.com/d/quotes.csv?s=<股票名称>&f=<数据列选项>具体参数:s – 表示股票名称,多个股票之间使用英文“+”分隔如:”XOM+BBDb.TO+MSFT”,表示三个公司的股票:XOM,BBDb.TO,MSFT。f – 表示返回数据列,如”...
At Yahoo Finance, you get free stock quotes, up-to-date news, portfolio management resources, international market data, social interaction and mortgage rates that help you manage your financial life.
T he YahooFinance gem provides an interface to the Yahoo! Finance API for the retrieval of stock quotes. This service is free, unlike many other services, and it's much easier to use the YahooFinance gem to extract quotes from Yahoo! than it is to extract quotes via screen scraping....
A collection of python modules to get finance data (stock quotes, options data and news) Modules list yfinance - Gets stock data from Yahoo API yfinance2 - Gets options data from Yahoo Finance API gfinance - Gets stock data from Google Finance ...
Fetch stock quote data from Yahoo Finance Topics python quotes market python3 stock yahoo-finance-api stock-market market-data stock-data equities yahoo-finance Resources Readme Activity Stars 534 stars Watchers 63 watching Forks 181 forks Report repository Releases No releases published ...
Does Yahoo Finance have an API? Unfortunately, Yahoo Finance deprecated their official API. However, there's an unofficial Yahoo Finance API available on RapidAPI. It provides data such as: Finance summaries Movers Quotes Stock charts Historical data ...
Yahoo Finance API– The Yahoo Finance API is a comprehensive finance API. It provides information about stocks, quotes, market summary, etc. as on the official Yahoo Finance website. Seeking Alpha API– The Seeking Alpha API is another finance API. It not only provides stock mark...
Get the latest stock market news, stock information & quotes, data analysis reports, as well as a general overview of the market landscape from Nasdaq.
Conveniently yourtailored requestswill be sent to "Downloadto spread sheet" link on Yahoo! Finance to have theFreehistoricalstock quotesretreived in bulk which you candraw your stock chartwith, using this sofware. You can easily set up your preferences to collect data andinstantly create intuitive...
Nexis® Data as a Service (DaaS) delivers comprehensive access to thousands of online resources pertaining to financial markets, with the stock news API.