解答: 使用 Yahoo,Finance stock API 获取股票数据:打开Yahoo Finance主页(这里不让贴url), 最左边有个小框框(quote lookup),里面输入股票代码点击go就能查到即时股价
1、通过API获取实时数据 请求地址:http://finance.yahoo.com/d/quotes.csv?s=<股票名称>&f=<数据列选项> 具体参数:s – 表示股票名称,多个股票之间使用英文“+”分隔如:”XOM+BBDb.TO+MSFT”,表示三个公司的股票:XOM,BBDb.TO,MSFT。f – 表示返回数据列,如”snd1l1yr”。更详细的参...
At Yahoo Finance, you get free stock quotes, up-to-date news, portfolio management resources, international market data, social interaction and mortgage rates that help you manage your financial life.
用excel从yahoofinanceAPI获取美股的实时股价建立stockalert 通过excel的对象容器 CreateObject("MSXML2.XMLHTTP") 我们可以提取yahoo finance下载的csv文件(csv API)中的股价信息(15分钟延迟),这样我们就可以在excel中列出股价live quote,来做出一个stock alert 股价提醒列表。再通过快捷键来手动更新。这种技术比先下载we...
Find the latest Adient plc (ADNT) stock quote, history, news and other vital information to help you with your stock trading and investing.
Python module - fetch stock quote data from Yahoo Finance Created by: Corey Goldberg (2007,2008,2013, 2016) License: GNU LGPLv2+ Dev Home PyPI Requirements Python 2.7 or Python 3.3+ Install ytockquote can be installed from PyPI with pip: $ pip install ystockquote You can also clone the...
Scraping from Yahoo API:“Getting historical stock quotes and dividend Info using python”. Scraping using YQL:“Get historical stock prices using Yahoo Query Language (YQL) and Python”. Retrieve from database:“Storing and Retrieving Stock data from SQLite database”. ...
YahooFinanceQuoteDownloader C# app to download historical stock quote information (in .CSV format) from Yahoo Finance Check out the Udemy course that explains how to build it here: https://www.udemy.com/csharpyahoostockdownloader/ Here's what the .CSV information looks like: ...
#stock_info module get_day_gainers() get_day_most_active() get_day_losers() get_top_crypto() #options module get_expiration_dates() Right, let’s start playing around a bit with the library! How do I download historical data using the Yahoo Finance API?
quote()- NEW API more faithful to Yahoo's new API. See below. This replacessnapshot()and we suggest you use it instead. Note: your very first request will take a bit longer to return, as we need to first send an additional request to Yahoo to get a "crumb" that is used for all...