• Standby: 2.8 μA (Backup SRAM OFF, RTC/LSE ON, PDR OFF) • VBAT: 0.8 μA (RTC and LSE ON) Clock management • Internal oscillators: 64 MHz HSI, 48 MHz HSI48, 4 MHz CSI, 32 kHz LSI • External oscillators: 4-50 MHz HSE, 32.768 kHz LSE ...
POR, PDR, PVD and BOR Dedicated USB power embedding a 3.3 V internal regulator to supply the internal PHYs Embedded regulator (LDO) with configurable scalable output to supply the digital circuitry Voltage scaling in Run and Stop mode (6 configurable ranges) ... 上电复位与掉电复位(POR与PDR) 当检测到VDD的电压低于阈值VPOR及VPDR时,无需外部电路辅助,STM32芯片会自动保持在复位状态,防止因电压不足强行工作而带来严重的后果。见 图42_1,在刚开始电压低于VPOR时(约1.72V),STM32保持在上电复位状态(POR,Power On Reset),当VDD电压持续上升至大于VPOR时,芯...
2. Since the LQFP100 package does not feature the PDR_ON pin (tied internally to VDD), the minimum VDD value for this package is 1.71 V. 3. VDD/VDDA can drop down to 1.62 V by using an external power supervisor (see Section 3.5.2: Power supply supervisor) and connecting PDR_ON ...
28/357 DS12110 Rev 8 STM32H742xI/G STM32H743xI/G 3.5.2 Functional overview Power supply supervisor The devices have an integrated power-on reset (POR)/ power-down reset (PDR) circuitry coupled with a Brownout reset (BOR) circuitry: • Power-on reset (POR) The POR supervisor ...
• Standby: 2.8 μA (Backup SRAM OFF, RTC/LSE ON, PDR OFF) • VBAT: 0.8 μA (RTC and LSE ON) Clock management • Internal oscillators: 64 MHz HSI, 48 MHz HSI48, 4 MHz CSI, 32 kHz LSI • External oscillators: 4-50 MHz HSE, 32.768 kHz LSE ...
POR, PDR, PVD and BOR Dedicated USB power embedding a 3.3 V internal regulator to supply the internal PHYs Embedded regulator (LDO) with configurable scalable output to supply the digital circuitry Voltage scaling in Run and Stop mode (6 configurable ranges) ...上电复位与掉电复位(POR与PDR)¶ 当检测到VDD的电压低于阈值VPOR及VPDR时,无需外部电路辅助,STM32芯片会自动保持在复位状态,防止因电压不足强行工作而带来严重的后果。 见图POR与PDR,在刚开始电压低于VPOR时(约1.72V),STM32保持在上电复位状态(POR,Power On Reset),当VDD电压持续上升至大于VPOR...
5. Since the LQFP100 package does not feature the PDR_ON pin (tied internally to VDD), the minimum VDD value for this package is 1.71 V. 6. VDD/VDDA can drop down to 1.62 V by using an external power supervisor (see Section 3.5.2: Power supply supervisor) and connecting PDR_ON ...
POR, PDR, PVD and BOR Dedicated USB power embedding a 3.3 V internal regulator to supply the internal PHYs Embedded regulator (LDO) with configurable scalable output to supply the digital circuitry Voltage scaling in Run and Stop mode (6 configurable ranges) ...