I have been using the STM32F4 for quite some time now and have used the STM32F429 Eval1 board for developing a firmware that uses the external USB3300 PHY over ULPI to achieve high speed USB transfers in device mode with the CDC (virtual com port) profile. While this works to some e...
>> STM32F4的2个USB是否可以同时使用 STM32Cube_FW_F4_V1.3.0 提供了两个例子 DualCore_Standalone USB Host Dual Core example This is a typical example on how to use the STM32F4xx USB OTG Host peripheral to operate with an USB MSC device connected to the High Speed port and...
1. 用stm32cubemx生成1个usb_cdc 例程,这里就不贴教程了,应该很简单。2. 修改usbd_desc.c...
先让 上拉电阻断开, 然后 复位usb内核(时钟),然后 usb模块重新初始化。上位机这 做成 发现设备...
fork from https://gitee.com/crouchggj/STM32F4_USB_SoundCard - Upgrade USB to High Speed by USB Phy: USB3000. · mfkiwl/STM32F4_USB_SoundCard@56e21fb
hhcd_HS.Init.speed = HCD_SPEED_FULL;参考例程,我将两路USB都用于挂载U盘:void USB_Init(void){ ...
速度会慢很多,用的STM32开发板的USB接口是全速12Mbps的,要外挂芯片才能达到USB High Speed ...
In the meantime I managed to enumerate in Full Speed mode using the ULPI chip and my hope was, that suspend would work better here, as the USB library manual states. But I was disappointed, because I get the exact same behaviour as before: As soon as the device notices the suspend, ...
第二个输出用于生成USB OTG FS的时钟(48 MHz)、随机数发生器的时钟 专用PLL (PLLI2S)用于生成精确时钟,从而在I2S接口实现高品质音频性能。 由于在PLL使能后主PLL配置参数便不可更改,所以建议先对PLL进行配置,然后再使能(选择HSI或HSE振荡器作为PLL时钟源,并配置分频系数M、N、P和Q)。
ST Microelectronics (意法半导体) 32位控制器 STMICROELECTRONICS STM32F446VET6 微控制器, 32位, 高性能, ARM 皮质-M4, 180 MHz, 512 KB, 128 KB, 100 引脚, LQFP查看详情 LQFP-100 12周 在产 2013年 ¥12.846 数据手册(11) 器件3D模型