4. Copy Example 窗口如图所示。选择 Use Pack Folder Structure,取消选择 Launch μVision。5. 输入 ...
This example guides the user through the different configuration steps by means of HAL API to ensure the CRC_Example use of the CRC (Cyclic Redundancy Check) calculation unit to get a CRC code of a given buffer of data word - X - XX - - XX - - - - - X X XXX (32-bit), ...
After you set settings for EXTI, you have to add them into NVIC. Example In this example, we will set pin PD0 and PB12 to be a GPIO interrupts. Code below should be well documented to understand how it works. /** * External interrupts example * * @author Tilen Majerle * @email ti...
我们在lv_conf.h中定义好屏幕的水平像素和垂直像素大小,顺手把LV_COLOR_DEPTH 改成16位(根据实际情况改,如果屏幕是32位色就不用改) 把lv_port_disp.c的里面的example 2 和3都注释了,只留example1,点击编译,编译通过,警告不用管,大多是因为定义了函数但是没有使用而报警告,不影响。 接着在SysTick_Handler...
把lv_port_disp.c的里面的example 2 和3都注释了,只留example1,点击编译,编译通过,警告不用管,大多是因为定义了函数但是没有使用而报警告,不影响。 接着在SysTick_Handler中断中添加lvgl的心跳接口。 在滴答滴中断中调用lv_tick_inc(1); 2.4添加屏幕的接口 ...
EXTI_Example\MDK- \FLASH_Program\MDK- \I2C_IOExpander\MDK- Page3/ Page4/ Page5/ Page6/ 联系方 Page7/1.概1.1.芯片功ARM32-bitCortex™-M4CPUwithFPU,Adaptivereal-timeaccelerator(ART1.概1.1.芯片功ARM32-bitCortex™-M4CPUwithFPU,Adaptivereal-timeaccelerator(ARTallowing0-waitstateexecutionfrom...
4.1.63.\WWDG\WWDG_Example\MDK-ARM74 4.1.64.\UART\UART_Printf\MDK-ARM75 4.1.65.\UART\UART_Hyperterminal_IT\MDK-ARM75 4.1.66.\UART\UART_Hyperterminal_DMA\MDK-ARM76 4.2.\CODE\STM32CUBE_FW_F4_V1.8.0\PROJECTS\STM324X9I_EVAL\APPLICATIONS 下的程序说明77 4.2.1.\Disy\C_AnimatedPictur...
•\Srcfoldercontainingthesourcescode •\EWARM,\MDK-ARM,\SW4STM32,and\TrueSTUDIOfolderscontainingthe preconfiguredprojectforeachtoolchain. •readme.txtfiledescribingtheexamplebehaviorandtheenvironmentrequiredtorun theexample. Toruntheexample,proceedasfollows: ...
{// /* Put a pixel to the display. For example: */// /* put_px(x, y, *color_p)*/// color_p++;// }// }unsigned int size = (area->x2 - area->x1 + 1) * (area->y2 - area->y1 + 1) * 2;disp_drv_p = disp_drv;LCD_Address_Set(area->x1, area->y1, area->...