SDIO_SD_Init(); MX_FATFS_Init(); /* USER CODE BEGIN 2 */f_res = f_mount(&SDFatFS, "0:/",1);HAL_Delay(100);if(f_res == FR_NO_FILESYSTEM){f_res = f_mkfs("0:/",FM_FAT|FM_SFD,0,&ReadBuffer,sizeof(ReadBuffer));//格式化SDNANDHAL_Delay(100);if(f_res == FR_OK...
FR_OK=0,/*(0) Succeeded*/FR_DISK_ERR,/*(1) A hard error occurred in the low level disk I/O layer*/FR_INT_ERR,/*(2) Assertion failed*/FR_NOT_READY,/*(3) The physical drive cannot work*/FR_NO_FILE,/*(4) Could not find the file*/FR_NO_PATH,/*(5) Could not find the...
(TCHAR const *) USBHPath, 0); if (res != FR_OK) { /* FatFs Initialization Error */ USBH_UsrLog("f_mount error: %d", res); Error_Handler(); } USBH_UsrLog("create the file in: %s", USBH
ffconf.h: FATFS 模块配置文件(可根据我们需要改变宏,进行对应的裁剪) ff.c : FATFS 模块的核心文件,我们不需要改动; ff.h :FATFS 和应用模块公用的包含文件(存放着函数的声明,移植成功后当我们使用后,只需要将其include即可) diskio.c : FATFS 和 disk I/O 模块接口层文件(就是我们移植时重点要修改的东西...
FatFs_PrintfFileDate(fno.fdate, fno.ftime); } //如果没有该文件 else if (fr == FR_NO_FILE) printf("File does not exist\r\n"); //发生其他错误 else printf("f_stat() error,error code: %d\r\n", fr); } /*删除文件*/ void FatFs_DeleteFile(TCHAR *filename) { printf("\r\n*...
freertos+fatfs+sdio **问题:**没有加freertos时候,sd卡读写正常;加上freertos时候,mout成功,但read等其他操作返回错误3 not ready 解决: sdio和sddma的中断优先级要小于freertos的最小优先级 一些说明 使用STM32CubeMX代码生成工具,不用关注底层配置的细节,真舒服。 使用教程:
STM32 SD FATFS mount error (FR_NOT_READY) I'm actually trying to write on a µSD card with a STM32L486QGI6. The function f_mount() returns FR_NOT_READY whether the µSD is placed or not... I already checked dozens of tutorials and examples for ... c stm32 sd-card fa...
@djhtml I saw a few posts but was removed when migrated to new ST site, will give link to reddit "solution" eventhough I still can't seem to make head/tail with it and solve my FR_NOT_READY/FR_DISK_ERR problem when calling f_mount(&SDFATfs, "", 1) - also some people thi...
if(f_mount(NULL, "", 0) != FR_OK){ printf("ERROR : Cannot exit FatFs! n");} // ...
使用cubeMX配置(这里就不描述MPU,时钟等配置了)主要是配置USBH_MSC并使用FatFs作为文件管理系统。 并且配置了硬件CRC校验 然后进入MDK中,其中g_JumpInit变量,包括跳转函数是参考安富莱 的程序的,请参考实战技能分享,一劳永逸的解决BOOT跳转APP失败问题,含MDK AC5,AC6和IAR_哔哩哔哩_bilibili ...