硬件包含: 一块STM32F103ZET6系统板、一个2.8寸TFT电阻触摸显示屏、一个SD卡卡槽(SPI接口)、一张...
f_mount(&fs," ", 1); 立刻报错fr_disk_err或者fr_not_ready 尝试过的方法:1. 4bits改为1bits...
USART1 receive data register is not empty */ USART_ITConfig(USART1, USART_IT_RXNE, ENABLE);/*...
FatFs是用于小型嵌入式系统的通用FAT/exFAT文件系统模块。FatFs模块是按照ANSI C (C89)编写的,完全独立...
4. 权限问题:在某些情况下,权限问题可能导致无法访问U盘,从而导致FR_NOT_READY错误。为了解决这个问题...
"FR_NOT_READY:物理驱动没有工作", /* (3) The physicaldrive cannot work */ "FR_NO_FILE:文件不存在",/* (4) Could not find the file */ "FR_NO_PATH:路径不存在", /* (5) Could not find the path */ "FR_INVALID_NAME:无效文件名", /* (6) The path name format is invalid */ ...
typedef enum { FR_OK = 0,/* (0) Succeeded */ FR_DISK_ERR,/* (1) A hard error occurred in the low level disk I/O layer */ FR_INT_ERR,/* (2) Assertion failed */ FR_NOT_READY,/* (3) The physical drive cannot work */ FR_NO_FILE,/* (4) Could not find the...
"FR_INT_ERR:断言失败", /* (2) Assertion failed */ "FR_NOT_READY:物理驱动没有工作", /* (3) The physical drive cannot work */ "FR_NO_FILE:文件不存在", /* (4) Could not find the file */ "FR_NO_PATH:路径不存在", /* (5) Could not find the path */ ...
小弟最近使用M4的SDIO驱动SD卡,移植FAFSR 0.10已经成功,测试程序非常简单,读写完全正常。可是最近发现...
FR_OK = 0,/* (0) Succeeded */ FR_DISK_ERR,/* (1) A hard error occurred in the low level disk I/O layer */ FR_INT_ERR,/* (2) Assertion failed */ FR_NOT_READY,/* (3) The physical drive cannot work */ FR_NO_FILE,/* (4) Could not find the file */ ...