硬件包含: 一块STM32F103ZET6系统板、一个2.8寸TFT电阻触摸显示屏、一个SD卡卡槽(SPI接口)、一张...
FR_NOT_ENOUGH_CORE,/* (17) LFN working buffer could not be allocated */ FR_TOO_MANY_OPEN_FILES,/* (18) Number of open files > _FS_SHARE */ FR_INVALID_PARAMETER/* (19) Given parameter is invalid */ } FRESULT;还有f_mount也有返回值,你应该看看是否mount成功。
fr = f_mount( fs, "0:", 1);printf("rnf_mount %x", fr);fr = f_open( fil, "0:123....
I have created my own board on STM32F405RGT6 and I want to use MicroSD card with it. My problem is that the file system mount is working but not the file open. While f_open() is invoked the board freezes for about 30 seconds and later returns "FR_DISK_ERR" (1). SDIO is conf...
f_open的返回不为零的可能性有很多种,可以根据具体的返回值,找到错误类型。 下面是具体的错误类型: typedef enum {FR_OK = 0, /* (0) Succeeded */ FR_DISK_ERR, /* (1) A hard error occurred in the low level disk I/O layer */ FR_INT_ERR, /* (2) Assertion failed */ FR_NOT_READY...
"0:/Demo.TXT", FA_OPEN_ALWAYS | FA_WRITE);这个函数的时候,总是返回 FR_NOT_ENABLED, ...
f_mount(0, &fatfs[0]);上面两句都运行正常!到 /* Open source file on the drive 1 */ res ...
FatFs是用于小型嵌入式系统的通用FAT/exFAT文件系统模块。FatFs模块是按照ANSI C (C89)编写的,完全独立...