添加Include Path 如果库文件是放在一个未添加进Include Path的路径下,那么需要先添加该路径。操作流程是Project Properties->C/C++ General->Paths and Symbols->Include->Add输入路径 添加静态库链接 在Project Properties->C/C++ Build->Setings->Tool Settings->MCU GCC Linker->Miscellaneous点击右上角的添加,输...
的/Drivers/CMSIS/Lib⽂件夹下获取。2. 添加Include Path 如果库⽂件是放在⼀个未添加进Include Path的路径下,那么需要先添加该路径。操作流程是Project Properties->C/C++ General->Paths and Symbols->Include->Add输⼊路径 3. 添加静态库链接 在Project Properties->C/C++ Build->Setings->Tool ...
顺利完成编译后,即可在firmware/build文件夹下生成libmicroros.a静态库和包含各类头文件的include文件夹。 4.头文件偏移 参考如下教程,进行头文件偏移。 三、使用STM32CubeIDE进行部署 使用STM32CubeIDE进行部署相对简单,首先需要创建一个新工程,按照所使用的STM32芯片进行配置,具体配置步骤可参考官网文档,主要的几方面...
Make sure that the path to the libneai is set: right click on your project > properties > Settings > MCU GCC Linker and add the path if not set Once you have that, you can add the code in your main.c to use the NanoEdge Library: Add the includes: #include"NanoEdgeAI.h"#i...
按钮,添加DSP库的头文件路径(例如:${workspace_loc:/项目名/DSP/Include})。在GCC C Linker > Libraries选项卡中,点击Add...按钮,添加DSP库的源文件或库文件(例如:arm_cortexM7lfdp_math.lib)。配置项目路径: 在GCC C Linker > Library Search Path选项卡中,添加包含DSP库文件的文件夹路径(例如:${workspace...
#include"main.h"#include"dma.h"#include"sdio.h"#include"usart.h"#include"gpio.h"/*Private includes ---*//*USER CODE BEGIN Includes*/#include<stdio.h>#include<string.h>/*USER CODE END Includes*//*Private typedef ---*//*USER CODE BEGIN PTD*//*USER CODE END PTD*//*Private ...
Make sure after adding new files to add the header files to the include path settings. You can access this parameters by right click on the project the properties: Or the easier way is to right click on the new folder containing header files and select "Add/remove include path..." Hope...
Agile平台搭建指南(基于STM32H7芯片的TOUCHGFX GUI开发环境建设 @Like) 目录 1. 功能需求 2. 硬件平台 3. 软件工具环境 4. 建设基础 5. 安装开发工具和环境 6. 创建应用工程 6.1. 生成工程 6.2. 设置TouchGFX 6.3. 设置外设时钟 6.
添加Include Path 如果库文件是放在一个未添加进Include Path的路径下,那么需要先添加该路径。操作流程是Project Properties->C/C++ General->Paths and Symbols->Include->Add输入路径 添加静态库链接 在Project Properties->C/C++ Build->Setings->Tool Settings->MCU GCC Linker->Miscellaneous点击右上角的添加,输...