Hello Everyone, got an error when i build my project error :- Program "make" not found in PATH i cross check properties and i put the
# makefor dir in tools examples post post/cpu ; domake-C $dir _depend ; donemake[1]: 进入目录 屌丝2022-01-13 06:42:23 CubeIDE - Ubuntu上的系统环境变量问题求解 :Program"make" notfoundin PATHPATH=[/opt/st/stm32cubeide_1.3.0/plugins ...
在安装完最新版本的TrueSTUDIO v9.0.0后,有一些用户碰到了这样的问:打开一些以前就已经带有TrueSTUDIO工程的示例代码后,发现会提示Program “gcc” not found in PATH。 这种情况怎么办呢,点击此处下载教程,马上解决! 0 淘帖 显示全部楼层 相关推荐 • 使用cubeIDE工具导入工程报错“Program \"make\" not fo...
You are correct, but I think the underlying issue is that Atollic installed gdb.exe and STM32CubeIDE does not. At least not for me. I have searched the install path and I can't find it. I assumed it would install everything that was needed just like Atollic did. ...
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