在实际项目中SW协议使用使用的比较多,速度更快,占用的引脚更少,推荐配置成SW协议,即Serial Wire模式; System Wake-Up : 设置低功耗模式下的自动唤醒功能,通过引脚PA0。 Timebase Source : 一般指HAL的时基,即HAL库中的uwTick,用于实现HAL_Delay()以及作为各种timeout时钟的基准。一般情况下直接选择默认的Sys Tic...
Hi, I am a bit confused on the lora STM32WL sequence protocol system, I want my device to sleep and wakeup according to the periodic values I want. I have made my own sleep function (stop 2 mode & radio sleep) with wake up triggered usin...
/* Configure the system clock */ SystemClock_Config(); /* USER CODE BEGIN SysInit */ /* USER CODE END SysInit */ /* Initialize all configured peripherals */ MX_GPIO_Init(); MX_DMA_Init(); MX_I2C4_Init(); MX_LPUART1_UART_Init(); /* USER CODE BEGIN 2 */ ResetPrintInit(&hlpua...
Device文件夹下是具体芯片直接相关的文件,里边是ST官方的STM32MP1xx器件专用的头文件、启动代码文件和专用系统文件,此文件夹下我们重点介绍这几个文件:stm32mp1xx.h、system_stm32mp1xx.c、startup_stm32mp15xx.s和stm32mp15xx_m4.ld文件。 Include文件夹下是符合CMSIS标准的内核头文件,主要是核内外设文件,...
wake up ,system running continue\r\n");#elif defined (STANDBY_MODE)/*STANDBYModeEntry-BackupSRAMandRTCOFF-IWDGandLSIOFF-Wake-upusingWakeUpPin(PI.11)*/printf("StandbyMode!\r\nPress WAKE_UP button to wake up ...\r\n");StandbyMode_Measure();printf("StandbyMode wake up ,this will ...
However the STM32CubeF3 framework should be used in the same way as in the HAL drivers case which means that System file, startup file and CMSIS should always be used. When the BSP drivers are included, the used HAL drivers associated with the BSP functions drivers should be included in ...
STM32Cube函数包快速入门指南说明书 Quick Start Guide STM32Cube function pack for IoT node with dynamic NFC tag, environmental and motion sensors (FP-SNS-SMARTAG1)Version 1.5 (July 12, 2021)
How to implement, through the HAL LPTIM API a timeout with the LPTIMER peripheral to wake up the system from a low-power mode. How to use the PKA peripheral to execute ECC scalar multiplication. This allows generating a public key from a private key. How to use the PKA periph...