standby_utils.c #include"standby_utils.h"/*** @brief 进入待机模式*/voidStandby_Enter(void){// ¿ªÆôʱÖÓRCC_APB1PeriphClockCmd(RCC_APB1Periph_PWR,ENABLE);// ÉèÖû½ÐÑÔ´,ʹÓÃWakeUpPin»½ÐÑPWR_WakeUpPinCmd(ENABLE);// Çå¿...
PWR_WAKEUP_PIN1配置唤醒失效 初学STM32 请高人指点 若配置PA0为中断触发,则可以正常唤醒 | 配置如图...
读取wakeuppin的状态似乎可以,但不可靠。特别是按的时间短,还有按键抖动等问题! 希望有经验的高手指点...
5000, RTC_WAKEUPCLOCK_RTCCLK_DIV16) function after using it. This function ends with a HAL_TIMEOUT error. I could not find the exact cause of the problem, the code gets stuck while waiting for the RTC WUTWF
> The examples I've found have always been made with an interrupt pin. How hard did you look? First hit for "stm32 rtc wakeup example" Took me all of 5 seconds to type that into Goo...
STM32CubeMx配置wakeup唤醒低功耗 任务目标配置wakeup唤醒低功耗,上电灯亮5秒后关闭,进入低功耗模式;若未进入低功耗则会灯闪烁;当按下wakeup则唤醒MCU。CubeMx配置PA0配置wakeup唤醒配置LED指示灯别的无需 哔哔哔- 2021-08-16 08:38:25 应用笔记|如何让STM32WB在没有LSE时运行BLE应用程序 本文档描述如何让...
(RCC_APB1Periph_PWR,ENABLE);// PWR_WakeUpPinCmd(ENABLE);MyRTC_SetTime(&time);OLED_ShowString(1, 1, "ALR :");OLED_ShowString(2, 1, "ALRF:");OLED_ShowString(3, 1, "CNT :");uint32_t Alarm=RTC_GetCounter()+10;RTC_SetAlarm(Alarm);OLED_ShowNum(1,6,Alarm,10);while (1){My...
In Low-power sleep mode, both the clock frequency and the number of enabled peripherals are limited; a typical example would be to have a timer running at 32 kHz. When wakeup is triggered by an event or an interrupt, the system reverts to the Run mode with the regulator on. Stop mode...
This function can be triggered by an event on the timestamp pin, or by a tamper event, or by a switch to VBAT mode. • 17-bit auto-reload wakeup timer (WUT) for periodic events with programmable resolution and period. The RTC and the 32 backup registers are supplied through a switch...
PWR_WakeUpPinCmd( PWR_WakeUpPin_1, ENABLE );/*Configure the pin to be toggled: PB2*/RCC->AHBENR |=RCC_AHBPeriph_GPIOB; GPIO_InitStructure.GPIO_Pin=GPIO_Pin_1; GPIO_InitStructure.GPIO_Mode=GPIO_Mode_OUT; GPIO_InitStructure.GPIO_OType=GPIO_OType_PP; ...