概要 安装的STM32CubeMX无法连接网络,出现“Problem during Server Connection”,只能从软件外部下载固件库。 打开ST官网下载 点击下面链接打开 STM32Cube MCU和MPU包 或者,如点击下面链接果需要下载适用于STM32F1系列,可点击下面链接直达 STM32Cube MCU软件包,适用于STM32F1系列 或者,如果需要下载适用于STM32F4系列,...
2022-12-30 12:09:05,402 [ERROR] ServerAccessManage:932 - Problem during Server Connexion : IO error No appropriate protocol (protocol is disabled or cipher suites are inappropriate) 2022-12-30 12:09:05,403 [ERROR] ServerAccessManage:419 - Problem during Server Connexion : : updaters.zip....
虽然笔记本性能不好,但是用的intel的处理器,经过安装软件一番操作,终于还是卡在了Connection to HTTP Server...加载失败;不行我一定要找出问题,这是已经一个头两个大了,心情有些失落;打开bilbil刷点视频放松放松... 这里我连接的是sxcsteven
I also tried using an Internet cable which allows connection to Internet from the IDE on other PC - which should eliminate the possibility to have incorrect internet/proxy settings on mine. From the ide.log , when trying to login I get: UserAuth:417 - Internet connection configuratio...
[ERROR] ConfigurationRetriever:139 - IOException on connection: PKIX path building failed: sun.security.provider.certpath.SunCertPathBuilderException: unable to find valid certification path to requested target [ERROR] ServerAccessManage:1058 - Problem during Server ...
developers encrypting the MPU’s code had access to the private key. The problem is that some organizations must limit access to such critical information.Thanks to the new STM32CubeProgrammer and PKCS#11, the private key remains hidden in an HSM, ev...
Start the GDB server, preferably using a different port number. A good practice is to try the debug of another project to eliminate the possibility of a project-specific problem with the project configuration or start-up code. We also recommend to try and debug with another USB cable, ST-...
[STM32CubeProg] The connection error popup cannot be closed using the [X] close button. [STM32L4][DBANK] Wrong sector size when DBANK is disabled. [DATABASE][OB] Missing nDBOOT OB for 1‑Mbit targets. [Device_ID = 0x467][DATABASE] Remove testing on dual bank for the 128‑Kbit...
可是发现在家里创建新的工程时会出现Connection to HTTP Server...加载失败的情况,按照网上的教程试了五六遍都不行,最后拔掉网线用手机流量尝试还是失败,用老婆的手机也是失败;最后我想起用公司的电脑新建工程都是成功的啊,那么我的电脑和公司电脑的变量是什么呢?我的主机是AMD的处理器,公司是intel的处理器;我还是不...
developers encrypting the MPU’s code had access to the private key. The problem is that some organizations must limit access to such critical information.Thanks to the new STM32CubeProgrammer and PKCS#11, the private key remains hidden in an HSM, even during the encryption pr...