Hello community! I have an issue using STM32Cube IDE. For some reason today, "ctrl + click" on functions doesn't work anymore, I receive the following error: An internal error occurred during: "Open Declaration". java.lang.NullPointerException I have upgraded the STM32Cube IDE ...
Press the Reset button of STM32. The tick count will be zero. Now press the push button and the tick count increases. It will increase with every rising edge of the input pin until it reaches 20. At this point, a new message gets displayed showing that an overflow occurred and the tim...
stm32cubeide --launcher.suppressErrors -nosplash \ -application org.eclipse.cdt.managedbuilder.core.headlessbuild -data . \ -build stm32_test_project Unable to init server: Could not connect: Connection refused Stm32cubeide: An error has occurred. See the log file /builds/xxxxxxxxx/stm32_test...