For a time based interrupt using the internal clock of a timer finding the right PSC and ARR values for a given interrupt interval (or frequency) can be quite difficult. SinceEVENT_FREQUENCY = TIM_CLK / ( (PSC+1) * (ARR+1) )finding the correctPSCandARRvalues for a given EVENT_FREQUENC...
You also can useTimer frequency calculator. Calling handler voidHAL_TIM_PeriodElapsedCallback(TIM_HandleTypeDef*htim) {if(htim->Instance==TIMX) {SoftUartHandler(); } } Config Soft UART Opensoftuart.hand edit bellow line as you want:
Timer Calculator(139512 times) FAT32 Library(72002 times) Network Ethernet Library(57246 times) USB Device Library(47591 times) Network WiFi Library(43181 times) FT800 Library(42542 times) GSM click(29926 times) mikroSDK(28274 times) PID Library(26930 times) ...
– It provides ready-to-use user files, that are pre-configured as follows: main.h: LED & USER_BUTTON definition abstraction layer main.c: System clock configuration for maximum frequency. 2. Port an existing project to another board To port an existing project...
117135 [STM32CubeMX-ALL][SAI] Give user the ability to always set the audio frequency. 118459 [STM32CubeMX-ALL][LTDC] Change the naming of the parameter "Not Data Enable Polarity". 119012 [STM32H7][STM32CubeMX-ADC][AWD1] "Analog watchdog Channel" is automatically set to Channel 0 ...
The user can change the ault settings (clock sources, prescaler and frequency values). The clock tree is then updated accordingly. Invalid settings and limitations a ighlighted and documented with tool tips. Clock tree configuration conflicts can be solved by using the solver feature. When no ...
The smaller capacitor serves mainly to filter out any high-frequency noise.Microcontroller pinoutAlthough the STM32F042 offers a wide variety of functions such as UART, I2C, SPI, and USB communication interfaces, you won’t find any of these functions labeled on the microcontroller pinout....
extern uint32_t SystemCoreClock; /*!< System Clock Frequency (Core Clock) */ extern const uint8_t AHBPrescTable[16U]; /*!< AHB prescalers table values */ extern const uint8_t APBPrescTable[8U]; /*!< APB prescalers table values */ /** * @} */ /** @addtogroup STM32F10x...
d. It provides ready-to-use user files, that are pre-configured as follows: ◦ main.h: LED & USER_BUTTON definition abstraction layer ◦ main.c: System clock configured with the minimum frequency of the device (HSI) for an optimum power co...
main.c: System clock configuration for maximum frequency. 2. Port an existing project to another board To port an existing project to another target board, start from the Templates_LL project provided for each board and available under \Projects\\Templates_LL: a) Select an LL example ...