Due to a power issue, or something, suddenly few flash pages have become read protected. I don't know how to reverse this. I use the ST-link Utility tool in windows, and I tried to perform full chip erase, but it throws the error as "some flash pages are read protected". I am a...
取消读保护就可以。。在STM32 ST-LINK Utility /Target /Optionbyt 把Level 1 设置到level 0 后应用...
其中最核心要理解的是对输入参数的运算,输入参数FLASH_Pages自身会进行取反操作, 从而用于指示要保护页的宏对应的数据位会被置0,而在选项字节WRP中,被写0的数据位对应的页会被保护。FLASH_Pages取反后的值被分解成WRP0/1/2/3_Data四个部分, 所以在后面的代码中,可以直接把WRP0/1/2/3_Data变量的值写入到...
HAL_FLASH_OB_Lock(); HAL_FLASH_Lock(); return HAL_ERROR; } return HAL_OK; } 3. Working with WRP 3.1 Zone Based WRP On some MCU series, such as the G and L series, for example, the WRP is set as a zone between two flash memory pages (WRP zone inclusive of the starting and ...
Writesupto256bytestotheRAMorFlashmemory WriteMemory0x31 startingfromanaddressspecifiedbytheuser Erase0x43ErasesfromonetoalltheFlashmemorypages WriteProtect(3)0x63Enablesthewriteprotectionforsomesectors WriteUnprotect(3)0x73DisablesthewriteprotectionforallFlashmemory sectors 14/83DocID14156Rev1 AN2662USARTbootlo...
eraseInit.TypeErase = FLASH_TYPEERASE_PAGES; /* eraseInit.Banks = FLASH_BANK_1; */ eraseInit.NbPages = pageNum; eraseInit.PageAddress = pageStartAddress; if ( HAL_FLASHEx_Erase( &eraseInit, &error ) == HAL_OK ) { } } u32 writeFlash( u8 *pSourceData, u32 targetAddress, u32 ...
FLASH_ERASE_REQ, FLASH_WRITE_REQ, }FlashOperationReq_t; #defineCFG_NBR_OF_FLASH_SECTOR_TO_PROCESS(1) NbrOfSectorToBeErased直接赋值为一个宏,表示本次要处理的flash扇区个数,STM32WB55的flash每4K字节构成一个扇区,整个扇区的分布在参考手册中 ...
up to 512KB Flash, 160KB SRAM, analog, audio Datasheet - production data Features •Ultra-low-power with FlexPowerControl – 1.71 V to 3.6 V power supply – -40 °C to 85/125 °C temperature range – 145 nA in VBAT mode: supply for RTC and 32x32-bit backup registers – 22 nA...
Flash size is detected as zero bytes size It is possible that the STM32 flash is write protected, the st-flash tool will show something like this: st-flash write prog.bin 0x8000000 2017-01-24T18:44:14 INFO src/stlink-common.c: Loading device parameters... 2017-01-24T18:44:14 INFO...
Flash size is detected as zero bytes size It is possible that the STM32 flash is write protected, the st-flash tool will show something like this: st-flash write prog.bin 0x8000000 2017-01-24T18:44:14 INFO src/stlink-common.c: Loading device parameters... 2017-01-24T18:44:14 INFO...