/* USER push-button (External line 13) will be used to wakeup the system from STOP mode */ ...
/* User push-button (External line 13) will be used to enable or not the SMPS mode */ BSP...
/*ChangethePushbuttonstate*/ uwrementState=0; } } } ⚫程序运行后开发板上的LED1按1秒的频率开始闪烁,再次按S3的中间按键LED1停 止闪烁,这个程序比较有用希望多花时间阅读。 4.1.32.\IWDG\IWDG_Example\MDK-ARM 该的程序演示了独立看门狗在正常状态下如何更新IWDG计数器,以及模拟超出喂狗 时间后所产生的...
一。 移植步骤 1. 官方示例程中的Src文件夹下的flash_if.c,fsdata.c,httpserver.c复制到我们创建...
–LED4 on: system woken up from Stop using EXTI Line0 (User push-button). 3.6 Current consumption example Purpose This example shows how to configure the STM32F0xx system to measure different low power modes current consumption. The low power modes are: ?Sleep mode ?Stop mode with RTC ?
/* Configure User push-button in Interrupt mode */ BSP_PB_Init(BUTTON_KEY, BUTTON_MODE_EXTI); /* Wait for User push-button press before starting the Communication. In the meantime, LED1 is blinking */ printf("hello"); while(UserButtonStatus == 0) ...
#ifdef MASTER_BOARD /* Configure Tamper push button */ BSP_PB_Init(BUTTON_KEY, BUTTON_MODE_GPIO); /* Wait for Tamper Button press before starting the Communication */ while (BSP_PB_GetState(BUTTON_KEY) != 1) { BSP_LED_Toggle(LED3); HAL_Delay(40);...
3. Run the example by following the readme.txt instructions Note: Refer to "Development toolchains and compilers" and "Supported devices and evaluation boards" sections of the firmware package release notes to know more about the software/hardware environment used for the firmware development and va...
STM32L-DISCOVERY 32L-D 用户手册说明书 Open32L-D User Manual Contents 1. Overview (2)1.1. What’s on board (2)2. Demo (4)2.1. 8BitIO-Pushbutton (4)2.2. 24L01 (5)2.3. ADC+DMA (5)2.4. DAC (6)2.5. GPIO LED (6)2.6. GPIO LED KEY (6)2.7. I2C (7)2.8. ...
6. Run the example: each time you press Tamper push-button, the LED1 will toggle (for more details, refer to the example readme file). You will get a quick overview of how to open, build and run an example with the supported toolchains. • EWARM – Under the example folder, open...