STM32F10x standard peripheral library STM32F0xx...
STM32-HAL This library provides high-level access to STM32 peripherals. Requirements Provide high-level access to most STM32 peripherals Support these STM32 families: F3, F4, L4, L5, G, H, U, and W Allow switching MCUs with minimal code change Provide a consistent API across peripheral mod...
HAL_Init();//初始化HAL库Stm32_Clock_Init(RCC_PLL_MUL10);//设置时钟,72Mdelay_init(70);//初始化延时函数LED_Init();//初始化LED//创建开始任务xTaskCreate((TaskFunction_t )start_task,//任务函数(constchar* )"start_task",//任务名称(uint16_t )START_STK_SIZE,//任务堆栈大小(void* )NULL,...
This repository contains a copy of STMicroelectronic's STM32 Cube firmware library, with CMSIS-device and HAL code for STM32F0xx, STM32F4xx, STM32F7xx, STM32G0xx, STM32G4xx, STM32H5xx, STM32H7xx, STM32L0xx, STM32L1xx, STM32L4xx, STM32WBxx and STM32WLxx microcontrollers. Minor...
将#define CMSIS_device_header "stm32f10x.h" 修改成 #define CMSIS_device_header "stm32f1xx_hal.h" ,keil下载的默认是库函数版移植的,需要将头文件变更成"stm32f1xx_hal.h" 接下来修改FREERTOS_CONFIG.H,打开头文件FREERTOS_CONFIG.H, 将#define configUSE_TIMERS 0 修改成 #define configUSE_TIMERS...
UM1940 Description of STM32F2 HAL and... 第一次上传 4年前 UM2217 Description of STM32H7 HAL and... 第一次上传 4年前 UM2319 Description of STM32G0 HAL and... 第一次上传 4年前 UM2442 Description of STM32WB HAL and... 第一次上传 ...
Hal库是什么? STM32 HAL库(即硬件抽象层库)是STM32固件库(PLIB)的继任者。 HAL库是一组C代码,用于为STM32微控制器提供一个高层次的、通用的软件接口。这个软件接口把开发人员与硬件之间的交互抽象化, 2023-08-22 15:19:39 HAL库在STM32开发中的重要性 HAL库(Hardware Abstraction Layer Library,硬件抽象...
HAL库在STM32开发中的重要性 HAL库(Hardware Abstraction Layer Library,硬件抽象层库)在STM32开发中扮演着至关重要的角色。以下是HAL库在STM32开发中的重要性分析: 一、简化 2024-12-02 13:35:11 如何移植STM32固件库 机智云官方生成的MCU代码(hal库)移植为STM32标准库教程手上刚好有STM32F103VCT6和ESP8266模...
High quality HAL using CodeSonar®static analysis tool High quality low-layer APIs (LL) using CodeSonar®static analysis tool STM32F3-dedicated middleware including USB Device, FatFS, RTOS, Graphics and touch sensing library Free user-friendly license terms ...
High quality HAL using CodeSonar® static analysis tool High quality Low Layer APIs (LL) using CodeSonar® static analysis tool STM32L4-specific middleware including USB Host, USB Device and touch sensing library Free user-friendly license terms ...