开漏输出(Open-Drain Output)是一种电子电路的输出方式,通常用于数字信号的传输。在这种输出方式中,输出端可以被驱动为高电平或低电平,但只能输出低电平,不能输出高电平。这是因为开漏输出 2024-07-14 10:48:02 开集、开漏与推挽输出原理详解 为了让同学们更加清楚的了解开集、开漏与推挽输出,今天我们就详解这两...
5. 推挽输出模式(Push-Pull output mode) 当GPIO配置为推挽输出模式时,它将可以提供较高电平或较低电平输出,但不会产生中间状态。该模式适用于双向电路的输出控制,具有较高的灵活性,但功耗相对较高。 6. 开漏输出模式(Open-Drain output mode) 当GPIO配置为开漏输出模式时,它将可以提供较低电平,但不能提供较高...
stm32gpio输出高电平 stm32gpio输出高电平,GPIO基础知识GPIO配置是所有外设驱动的基础。STM32H7 的 GPIO 特性如下:① 输出状态:开漏/推挽 + 上拉/下拉电阻。② 通过输出数据寄存器 liutiefu 2021-08-10 06:29:54 开漏输出为什么加上拉电阻 开漏输出(Open-Drain Output)是一种常见的电子电路输出方式,广泛应用...
GPIO_Init 根据GPIO_InitStruct中指定的参数初始化外设GPIOx寄存器 GPIO_StructInit 把GPIO_InitStruct中的每一个参数按缺省值填入 GPIO_ReadInputDataBit 读取指定端口管脚的输入 GPIO_ReadInputData 读取指定的GPIO端口输入 GPIO_ReadOutputDataBit 读取指定端口管脚的输出 GPIO_ReadOutputData 读取指定的GPIO端口输出 GPIO_...
③ 带下拉输入:IPD(In Push-Down)。 ④ 模拟输入:AIN(Analog In)。 ⑤ 开漏输出:OUT_OD。OD代表开漏:Open-Drain。(OC代表开集:Open-Collector)。 ⑥ 推挽输出:OUT_PP。PP代表推挽式:Push-Pull。 ⑦ 复用功能的推挽输出:AF_PP。AF代表复用功能:Alternate-Function。
我们在STM32CubeMX中选择这两个GPIO为普通的GPIO,配置为Output Open Drain模式,并把两个GPIO配置到不...
The MCU is programmed to use only the HSI clock, one timer, the USART2 and the GPIO banks A and B. I have difficulties to figure out whether the board enters in stop2 mode at all. Another thing that I don’t understand is How the GPIOs interrupts can work if all the...
2、RTC时钟输出 GPIO 模式设置 (1VDD_FT is a potential specific to five-volt tolerant I/Os and different from VDD.To On-chip PeripheralsAnalogFrom On-chip Peripherals Push-Pull Open DrainOutput DriverI /O p i nVS SOn/OffP u l l -U pP u l l -D o w nVDD On/OffB i t S e t...
3.10 General-purpose inputs/outputs (GPIOs) Each of the GPIO pins can be configured by software as output (push-pull or open-drain), as input (with or without pull-up or pull-down) or as peripheral alternate function (AF). Most of the GPIO pins are shared with special digital or ...
3.10 General-purpose inputs/outputs (GPIOs) Each of the GPIO pins can be configured by software as output (push-pull or open-drain), as input (with or without pull-up or pull-down) or as peripheral alternate function (AF). Most of the GPIO pins are shared with special digital or ...