./st-flash [--version]example write option byte: ./st-flash --debug --reset --area=option ...
debug(tmp, strlen(tmp));return-1; } obData.DATAAddress=OB_DATA_ADDRESS_DATA1; obData.DATAData=0xC9; //自定义数据if((ret = HAL_FLASHEx_OBProgram(&obData)) !=HAL_OK){chartmp[50] = {0}; sprintf(tmp,"write optby fail for %x", ret); debug(tmp, strlen(tmp));return-1; } ...
/* Get pages write protection status */ WRPR_Value = FLASH_GetWriteProtectionOptionByte();Protect...
* @file FLASH/FLASH_WriteProtection/Src/main.c * @author MCD Application Team * @version V1.0.1 * @date 26-February-2014 * @brief This example provides a description of how to erase and program the * STM32F4xx FLASH. *** * @attention * * © COPYRIGHT(c) 2014 STMicroelectro...
1、选用的是SPI1,全双工主机模式(单片机是主机,外部FLASH做从机),片选引脚由软件控制。 2、再检查一下SPI1的引脚设置是否正确。 3、设置FLASH的片选引脚即PC0引脚为输出模式,因为SPI1上只有一个器件,默认输出低电平。 五、生成代码 1、SPI1初始化代码如下所示: ...
下载到 flash,窗口的左下角会显示进度条。 进入Debug 模式并点击 RUN 。 这时num变量已经可以实时更新了。 可以读(写)全局或静态的变量、结构体,以及其他以变量形式放在函数与函数之间的东西,包括外设的读写。(译者注:这一句我没翻好:You can read (and write) global, static variables and structures. Anythin...
intmain(void){/* USER CODE BEGIN 1 */intret = OPRT_OK;/* USER CODE END 1 *//* MCU Configuration---*//* Reset of all peripherals, Initializes the Flash interface and the Systick. */HAL_Init();/* USER CODE BEGIN Init *//* USER CODE END Init *//* Configure the system clock...
#define HAL_FLASH_ERROR_NONE 0x00U /*!< No error */ #define HAL_FLASH_ERROR_PROG 0x01U /*!< Programming error */ #define HAL_FLASH_ERROR_WRP 0x02U /*!< Write protection error */ Minimal working example: When I call this, at the startup (before while(1) i...
{/* 同步 Flash 移植所需的接口及数据 */flash->spi.wr=spi_write_read;flash->spi.lock=spi_lock;flash->spi.unlock=spi_unlock;flash->spi.user_data=&user_spi;/* about 100 microsecond delay */flash->retry.delay=retry_delay_100us;/* adout 60 seconds timeout */flash->retry.times=60*...