./st-flash [--version]example write option byte: ./st-flash --debug --reset --area=option ...
If you are using the EEProm Emulation driver, you had bettern add a function such as check the data after write finished. For example, if you have 10 data to save, so you need write 11 bytes to flash. The last byte is checksum. And check the data after read from flash. Share Impro...
* @param addr 写入flash的起始地址 * @param pdata 写入数据的起始地址 * pdata size 写数据大小 * @retval None*/voidspi1_flash_page_write(uint32_t addr, uint8_t *pdata, uint16_t size) { uint16_t i; spi1_flash_write_enable(); cs_low; spi1_flash_send_byte(0x02); spi1_flash_...
Breadcrumbs stm32-example / stm32_flash.ldTop File metadata and controls Code Blame 143 lines (122 loc) · 3.69 KB Raw /* * */ /* Entry Point */ ENTRY(Reset_Handler) /* Highest address of the user mode stack */ _estack = 0x2000A000; /* end of 40K RAM */ /* Generate a ...
if (f_open(&file, "example.txt", FA_WRITE | FA_CREATE_ALWAYS) == FR_OK) { // 写入数据 f_write(&file, "Hello, FatFs!", 13, &bytes_written); // 关闭文件 f_close(&file); } // 重新打开文件 if (f_open(&file, "example.txt", FA_READ) == FR_OK) { ...
NAND_AddressTypeDefWriteReadAddr; static uint8_tTxBuffer[NAND_PAGE_SIZE]; static uint8_tRxBuffer[NAND_PAGE_SIZE]; uint16_ti; /*USERCODEENDPV*/ 添加应用程序,程序中先读取Nand Flash ID,然后配置操作地址,对页进行擦除,写,读等操作。 /*USERCODEBEGIN2*/ printf ( "\r\nNandFlash Example\r...
intmain(void){/* USER CODE BEGIN 1 */intret = OPRT_OK;/* USER CODE END 1 *//* MCU Configuration---*//* Reset of all peripherals, Initializes the Flash interface and the Systick. */HAL_Init();/* USER CODE BEGIN Init *//* USER CODE END Init *//* Configure the system clock...
In the _read(…) function, the 'len' parameter passed in was found to always be '1024' for the library and build environment used to develop the example code. int_read(intfile,char*ptr,intlen) In order to support the use of getchar(), the expression 'len = 1;' was added immediat...
u16 mask; // Data mask. vu16 index_rd; // Data read index. vu16 index_wt; // Data write index. } USART_RingBuffer; 全局变量要有较详细的注释,包括对其功能、取值范围、哪些函数或过程存取它以及存取时注意事项等的说明。 示例: /*** // 全局变量功能。 Variable function: // 全局变量可能...