触发中断(Trigger Interrupt):定时器可以配置为外部时钟模式或触发输入模式,在这些模式下,当外部触发事件到来时,会产生触发事件,从而触发触发中断。触发中断用于处理外部触发事件的相关操作。 DMA请求中断(DMA Request Interrupt):当定时器的更新、比较或捕获事件发生时,可以产生DMA请求,从而触发DMA请求中断。DMA请求中断用...
}/*Set interrupt handlers*//*Handle PD0 interrupt*/voidEXTI0_IRQHandler(void) {/*Make sure that interrupt flag is set*/if(EXTI_GetITStatus(EXTI_Line0) !=RESET) {/*Do your stuff when PD0 is changed*//*Clear interrupt flag*/EXTI_ClearITPendingBit(EXTI_Line0); } }/*Handle PB12 interru...
不過因為每顆MCU的配置都不太一樣所以在此記錄下來。 External Interrupt 配置 1voidEXIT_GPIO_Config(void)2{3GPIO_InitTypeDef GPIO_Config;4EXTI_InitTypeDef EXTI_Config;5NVIC_InitTypeDef NVIC_Config;67RCC_AHB1PeriphClockCmd(RCC_AHB1Periph_GPIOA, ENABLE);8RCC_APB2PeriphClockCmd(RCC_APB2Periph_SYSCFG...
EXTI就是External interrupt/event controller, 外部事件和中断控制器, 包含21条边沿检测线. 每条线可以独立设置触发事件(上升沿, 下降沿或两者同时). 一个等待寄存器维护中断请求的状态. 当动作发生(例如按键按下)时, 如果电平状态由低变高, 会在输入线产生一个上升沿信号, 这个信号到达边沿检测电路后, 会被上升...
STM32 example location: "stm/stm32f2xx/st_hal_v1.1.3/CMSIS/Include/cmsis_gcc.h": To save and restore the interrupt state, use __get_PRIMASK(), like this: // 1. back up interrupt state; `__get_PRIMASK()` returns 0 if interrupts // are **enabled**, and n...
hasInterrupt() 4.Examples Following examples are provided inSTM32Exampleslibrary (available with Arduino Library manager): Timebase_callback.ino This example shows how to configure HardwareTimer to execute a callback at regular interval. Callback toggles pin. Once configured, there is only CPU load...
Learn how to configure the Interrupt Controller : the NVIC Verify the correct functionality by pressing a button that turns on a LED2.2. Create the project in STM32CubeIDE↑File > New > STM32 Project in main panel. This example uses the NUCLEO-L476RG board. Select...
what is the oob interrupt? We are not using the external 32k clock, so we put low signal LPO_IN. Like 4,211 0 Zhengbao_Zhang Moderator 5 Aug 2021 if you are not using external LPO, try to use : boardflags3=0x04000000 Like 4,210 0 2 lidiah...
stm32_spi_eeprom_interrupt You can use the open_system command to open the Simulink® models. For example, use this command for a STM32 Processor based hardware board: Get open_system('stm32_spi_eeprom_interrupt.slx'); Read and Write Data to SPI EEPROM Using the SPI Transmit Block...
GPIO (32) with external interrupt capability 12-bit ADC (2) with 10 channels RTC Timers (4) I2C (2) USART (3) SPI (2) USB 2.0 full-speed CAN Board featuresSmall foot-print Flexible board power supply: USB VBUS or external source (3.3V, 5V) User LED: LED1 One pu...