..\Middlewares\Third_Party\cm_backtrace\cmb_def.h(169): error: #29: expected an expression #if (CMB_CPU_PLATFORM_TYPE == CMB_CPU_ARM_CORTEX_M33) ..\Middlewares\Third_Party\cm_backtrace\cmb_def.h(187): error: #29: expected an expression #if (CMB_CPU_PLATFORM_TYPE == CMB_CPU_AR...
char sex;};void main(void){ // off_set = offsetof(student_info, age);// stu_info....
在使用 sizeof 之类的函数时,编译时若出现这类问题,参考 ..\USER\main.c(83): error: #29: expected an expression 出现 Error:Flash Download Failed-"Cortex-M3" 可能的原因是工程代码的原因 可行的是上面的128 k的,下不进去的是512k的 上面问题解决,参考,原因魔法棒的第一个 Device 没有选择正确,应当...
D:/myapp/00-live/03stm32/00keil5/RealThread/RT-Thread/3.1.5/libcpu/arm/cortex-m7/cpu_cache.c(79): error: #29: expected an expression SCB_CleanDCache_by_Addr((uint32_t*)startAddr, size_byte); D:/myapp/00-live/03stm32/00keil5/RealThread/RT-Thread/3.1.5/libcpu/arm/cortex-m7...
..\HARDWARE\Ethernet\wizchip_conf.c(116): error: #29: expected an expression .CRIS._exit ...
The compiler error says "Expected an expression "__asm ("LDR R0, =0x40023844");" This code snippet from the mbed_application can help you: https://github.com/ARMmbed/mbed-os/blob/master/platform/mbed_application.c#L143 (using inline asm for ARMCC - the first one, later is for GCC ...
请问DMA编译出错error: unrecognized token error: 是什么原因? void taskFxn(void)[这一行出错 /* Open DMA Channel 0 */ myhDma = DMA_open(DMA_CHA0, 0);...]错误原因:error: unrecognized token error: expected an expression Xc_Y 2018-07-31 07:48:29 ...
Therefore, in the live expression, you can see the data updated i.e. RxData buffer. That's it. To give better visibility on the answered topics, please click on "Accept as Solution" on the reply which solved your issue or answered your question.PS: This is NOT an online support ...
May the latency introduced in an application be predicted by IDE? Latency in the application is very low, as there is no code change, only some debug access to the bus. Regarding the custom variable. is also possible define custom variable like struct pointer like the live expression o...
An LED is toggled on the NUCLEO-L476 board to indicate sampling and other activity. The activity LED is controlled by Port A, Pin 5, and needs to enabled as digital output to support this function. Build Settings The printf(…) function is used to print numbersformatted as floating point...