情况一:未正确定义变量 当我们在C++代码中引用了一个未正确定义的变量时,编译器就会报错'expected primary-expression before ';' token'。这通常发生在以下情况: 未正确声明变量类型:在C++中,我们在使用变量之前需要先声明变量的类型。如果我们忘记在使用变量之前定义变量的类型,就会导致编译错误。例如: 1 x = 5;...
expected primary-expression before '.' token是指缺少申明,需要申明变量。解决方法:LOG(INFO)的头函数为:logging,新建文件my_dbclient.h my_dbclient.cpp 作为自定义的接口,具体实现如下:my_dbclient.h [cpp] view plain copy #include <iostream> include <vector> include //注意:这里并...
//修改编译错误的办法://所有提示expected primary-expression before '&' token;的地方 //都把ArrayList&删掉 //以及将i和j的赋值语句改为i=list1.elems;j=list2.elems;include include using namespace std;define INIT_SIZE 100 define INC_SIZE 10 //定义一个线性表 typedef struct { int *...
\Dev-Cpp\pro\ders\main.cpp expected `;' before "char" 30 C:\Dev-Cpp\pro\ders\main.cpp expected primary-expression before ';' token 30 C:\Dev-Cpp\pro\ders\main.cpp expected primary-expression before ';' token 87 C:\Dev-Cpp\pro\ders\main.cpp expected primary-expression before '<<'...
int main(void){ int j,a[10]={1,2,0,0,4,5,6,9,9,17};for(j=0;j<10;j++)print_array(a,10); \\这里改为调用数组名就可以了 max_array(a,10); \\这里改为调用数组名 return 0;} void print_array(int a[],int arraysize){ static int i=0;printf("%d",a[i]);i+...
error: expected primary expression before ‘element’ In the previous error, “element” denotes the keyword in which any expression is missing or added. An expression can be a character, arithmetic value, braces, or a relational expression. ...
第二个参数为NULL,则流按只写方式打开,stdout是流的引用名。 两个参数不为NULL,则流按读写方式打...
if( 0 == year % 400 || ( 0 == year %4 && 0 != year %100 ) )
include<stdio.h>#include<math.h>#define N 5void print(int a[]){for(int i=0;i<N-1;i++)for(int j=0;j<N-i-1;j++)if(abs(a[j])<abs(a[j+1])){int temp=a[j];a[j]=a[j+1];a[j+1]=temp;}for(int i=0;i<N;i++)printf("%d ",a[i]);}int main(){...