求助各位老哥..用的hal库开发,为什么显示main.c contains an incorrect path打不开啊我文件夹里也没有这个路径啊我是把一个工程复制粘贴了一下变成一个新工程,出问题的是原来那个工程,不知道是不是和这个有关
The “upload” (transfer from board to host) of the “phase” file is necessary to advance the state machine but the contents isn’t actually needed (though the first byte contains the expected “phase_id” which could be used instead of the hard coded values above. Console logs with this...
Containstabsthatdisymessagesandinformationrelatedtospecific activitiesorfeatures.Forexample,theBuildtabdisysthecommands errorsandmessagesthataretheresultofbuildingyourapplication.In Outputwindowaddition,theConsoletabisapowerfultoolthatallowsyoutoviewthe commandssentbythecoredebuggerwhenyouuseanSTVDfeature,or bypasstheGU...
3.2 Unzip the 50,005-file directory tree from this into a sub-directory ofc:\test_for_issue_3namedSTM32Cube_FW_F4, i.e. unzip it and rename the top-level directory fromSTM32Cube_FW_F4_V1.25.0toSTM32Cube_FW_F4, soc:\test_for_issue_3\STM32Cube_FW_F4now contains: ...
To bring this level of flexibility and reconfigurability, the SAI contains two independent audio sub-blocks. Each block has it own clock generator and I/O line controller. Audio sampling frequencies up to 192 kHz are supported. One of the SAI supports up to 8 microphones thanks to an ...
在介绍采集之前,我想说一下关于ADC+DMA,我想大家大部分都是用的这个采集的,我现在还是会用的阶段。我就简单说下我的理解吧,ADC全称Analog-to-Digital Converter,模数转换器顾名思义将模拟量转换成数字量,在这里就是我们采集到的温度(模拟量)经过单片机的ADC转换成0和1的数字量进行数据分析。
it contains the result of the flash memory test RAM test flow example Figure 16 shows an example of RAM test flow handling: • Use of two RAM subsets • Use of functions: – STL_SCH_RunRAMTM → only the RAM test module is executed – STL_SCH_ResetR...
TheAD7124is a low power, low noise, completely integratedanalogfront end for high precision measurement applications. The device contains a low noise, 24-bit Σ-Δ analog-to-digital converter (ADC). The AD7124 example application provides a terminal based console interface that allows a user to...
case FR_NO_PATH://Could not find the path { printf("rnCould not find the path!rn");break;...
an event occurs on the same clock cycle as a status register read N - - Context descriptor contains incorrect receive timestamp status in Threshold mode when application clock is very fast A- - Context descriptor is incorrectly written to descriptor memory when the Rx...