STM32CubeCLT, a command-line development toolset with code compilation, board programming, and debug features. STM32CubeProgrammer, a programming tool. It provides an easy-to-use and efficient environment for reading, writing and verifying devices and external memories via a wide variety of availabl...
After this I can reprogram the board using the first command. Everything looked good at that moment, but I tried to program the board again from the CubeIDE (like I did for several times) and the programming from CubeIDE failed. I thought that I have to put the read protection to leve...
STM32 ST-LINK Command Line Interface Connected via SWD. Connexion mode : Connect Under Reset. ST-LINK Firmware version : V2J27S6 Device ID:0x413 Device flash Size : 1024 Kbytes Device family :STM32F40x/STM32F41x Full chip erase... Flash memory erased. Flash Programming: File : ./buil...
pulse. The corresponding string for GPIO_string is "-4,-3,3". The complete command line flag is "-i 4,-5,-3,3:-4,-3,3". 查看文档后,我们这个开发板子上面进入bootloader和离开bootloader的序列应该如下 rts,dtr,-dtr ## 进入bootloader序列: rts高电平,dtr高电平,dtr 低电平 -rts,dtr,-dtr ...
The software includes a command-line interface (CLI) to enable the creation of scripts.Since the script manager is part of the application, it doesn’t depend on the operating system or its shell environment. As a result, scripts are highly sharable. Another advantage is that the script manag...
Offers a command-line interface for automation through scripting ST-LINK firmware update Enables secure firmware creation using the STM32 Trusted Package Creator tool Supports STM32MPx series peripheral boot and flash memory programming Multi-OS support: Windows®, Linux®, macOS® ...
基于官网文档第2.3.2 External Flash memory programming的内容进行操作。 二、准备 STM32CubeProgrammer V2.8.0 Keil MDK V5.34 三、实战 刚开始做的时候,我是想着是直接通过STM32CubeMX生成一个Keil工程,然后在工程中进行对应修改,结果整个过程做下来,最后还是失败了,原因未知。 后来我换了一个思路,即先用Keil...
Microcontrollers, WebAssembly (WASM/WASI), and command-line tools. Based on LLVM. arduino avr arm microcontroller gpio i2c esp32 llvm adafruit stm32 webassembly wasm spi microbit nrf52 samd21 nrf51 wasi tinygo Updated Feb 18, 2025 Go ...
add_custom_command(TARGET ${EXECUTABLE} POST_BUILD COMMAND ${CMAKE_OBJCOPY} -O binary $<TARGET_FILE:${EXECUTABLE}> ${EXECUTABLE}.bin )To disable .bin file generation, simply delete POST_BUILD line for .bin and regenerate CMake build system commands. Generating .bin files may have a negati...
API---Application Programming Interface—应用程序编程接口 B: BKP---后备寄存器 BSP---Board Support Package—板级支持包 BYP---Bypass—旁路 BYP---backup—备份 C: CAN---Controller area network—控制器局域网 Calc---Calculate—计算 CM---