AD7124 Example onSTM32Processors Introduction This describes how to take the AD7124 example code and integrate it with STM32 firmware libraries in a suitable development environment to produce a complete program. TheIDEused here is the STM32CubeIDE, but the general procedurecanbe applied to other...
* @param UartHandle: UART handle * @note This example shows a simple way to report end of IT Rx transfer, and * you can add your own implementation. * @retval None*/voidHAL_UART_RxCpltCallback(UART_HandleTypeDef *UartHandle) { receive_buffer[r_count++] =r_data;/*定时器计数器清零*/...
STM32CubeProgrammer (STM32CubeProg) 是一款用于编程STM32产品的全功能多操作系统软件工具。 它提供了一个易用高效的环境,通过调试接口(JTAG和SWD)和自举程序接口(UART、USB DFU、I2C、SPI和CAN)读取、写入及验证器件内存。 STM32CubeProgrammer的功能广泛,可以对STM32内部存储器(如Flash、RAM和OTP)以及外部存储器...
Write the application code using the OpenHarmony APIs and STM32Cube libraries. Build the project and flash the generated binary to the STM32 microcontroller. By following these steps, you can leverage the features of both STM32 microcontrollers and OpenHarmony to develop powerful and feature-rich ap...
根据提供的example.c文件,将必要的接口移植至 STM32 工程的main.c中。 根据linksdk-lwm2m\examples\tuya_nbiot_demo\tuya_nbiot_demo.c例程,将 SDK 的主状态机循环放在while(1)中。为了保证 SDK 运行质量,主循环请不要有较长阻塞延时。 intmain(void){/* USER CODE BEGIN 1 */intret = OPRT_OK;/* ...
System functions and example code for programming the "Blue Pill" STM32-compatible micro-controller boards. - google/stm32_bare_lib
* * This software is licensed under terms that can be found in the LICENSE file * in the root directory of this software component. * If no LICENSE file comes with this software, it is provided AS-IS. * *** */ /* USER CODE END Header */ /* Includes ---*/ #include ...
, middleware, and lots of example code used in a wide variety of real-world use cases. STM32Cube expansion packages, for application-oriented solutions. Complementing and expanding the STM32Cube MCU Package offer with additional embedded software bricks, STM32 expansion packages come either from ...
Mabey one interrupt activates the whole line and if there are multiple interrupts mapped to one line you can't tell which one fired, but this is just a guess. The only two things I want to know in this example is whether the transmission was successful or if it timed out. So using ...
You do not show if and how you can update clock/date/time after power loss. 0Kudos Hello Mike, in this example we just show how to use the backup registers and jot the full calendar and time of the RTC. Hello, this tutorial is wrong. Tested on STM32L010F4P6. To use the function...