10 接USB连入电脑,可以发现多了一个串口,记住串口编号 11 打开串口助手,波特率随便设,点击发送,即可在接收窗口中看到刚发送的数据了。 好了 --- 后记2022.1.6 可能的故障 注意事项1:安装VCP驱动 注意事项2:上拉电阻 注意事项3:注意供电问题 禁用启用大法 以前实现与上位机的USB通讯是通过CH340来做,速度慢,还...
The USB Device VCP Example is used for this. For further details on this demo, please refer to Chapter 7: Virtual COM port demo. In this example, NO serial cable connector is needed, and you can see the data transferred to and from USB. This example loops back the contents of a text...
STM32USB_CDC配置前言:配置思路前言:做之前先要有一些准备:1、PC上装好VCP1.31以上的虚拟串口驱动2、准备一块带USB的STM32(是要连接好USB接口的,不是串口的USB)3 lhhgff2021-08-23 07:24:19 STM32HAL库实现USB组合设备CDC+MSC 精选资料分享 STM32HAL库实现USB组合设备CDC+MSC目录STM32HAL库实现USB组合设备CD...
STM32USB_CDC配置前言:配置思路前言:做之前先要有一些准备:1、PC上装好VCP1.31以上的虚拟串口驱动2、准备一块带USB的STM32(是要连接好USB接口的,不是串口的USB)3 lhhgff2021-08-23 07:24:19 求大佬分享STM32USBCDC虚拟多串口的测试代码 求大佬分享STM32USBCDC虚拟多串口的测试代码 ...
Download the STM32 USB Virtual COM port driver (STSW-STM32102): Launch the executable in the zip file corresponding to the Windows version and the CPU architecture: 32-bit (x86) or 64-bit (x64). Plug then the PowerShield board with a USB cable, Wind...
On Windows, the VCP driver sometimes will not work. To fix this, we can put some code in theusbd_cdc_if.cfile to echo the line coding scheme back to Windows. This is a bit of a hack, but it seems to work. Credit for this fix goes to GitHub u...
前段时间调试基于STM32F4/F7系列的usb虚拟串口,我的win7系统不知道啥情况一直装不上去。今天试了好长时间,有了方法。 1:先安装VCP_V1.4.0_Setup.exe,安装时候注意安装在那个位置,比如我的地方是C:\Program Files (x86)\STMicroelectronics\Software 2:打开C:\Program Files (x86)\STMicroelectronics\Software,在...
1)驱动下载及安装。目前ST公司支持WIN7版本号为:VCP_V1.3.1_Setup.exe (在官网上搜索stsw-stm32102即是了);先安装驱动后再插入USB不然安装不成功。2)固件下载 naugia 2021-08-06 07:32:30 FAQ0007使用ISP DFU时Win7系统自动安装USB驱动时间过长的解决方案 使用ISP DFU时Win7系统自动安装USB驱动时间过长...
s the AcousticSL library • starts the audio acquisition to trigger the library execution • transmits the two or four omnidirectional microphone streams to the USB driver every millisecond • sends the AcousticSL results to a host PC on each library running cycle through ST-LINK VCP. ...
s the AcousticSL library • starts the audio acquisition to trigger the library execution • transmits the two or four omnidirectional microphone streams to the USB driver every millisecond • sends the AcousticSL results to a host PC on each library running cycle through ST-LINK VCP. ...