STM_USB_VCP驱动 .zip评分: 网上有很多ST USB VCP驱动安装不上的问题,其中有数字签名无法识别的,需要强制禁止数字签名,但也不能全部解决问题。经验证安装该驱动可以完美解决Windows 10安装USB虚拟串口显示感叹号问题。 STM32 VCP USB Visual Port ST2020-05-30 上传大小:6.00MB ...
transfer type: • Human Interface Device HID HID Joystick demonstration based on the embedded joystick on the EVAL boards and Custom HID examples • Audio streaming Audio device example for streaming audio data • Communication Device (CDC) VCP USB-to-RS232 bridge to realize a virtual COM ...
将u***ser.sys复制到c:windowssystem32drivers (10)驱动安装成功后,再插上USB,如果设备管理器端口...
四旋翼飞行器上电时会进行自检,此时LED0闪烁,自检通过后,LED0熄灭,如果一段时间后LED0仍继续闪烁而不熄灭,则说明自检无法通过,此时可通过USB线连接到电脑,通过inav-configurator软件查看相关错误信息,进而排除故障。 打开遥控器通道6开关,解锁电机并将飞行器设置为“ANGLE”模式,正常情况下此时LED0应常亮,如果LED0不...
将usbser.sys复制到c:\windows\system32\drivers (10)驱动安装成功后,再插上USB,如果设备管理器端口里有Virtual COM Port,说明识别成功了,工程模板就算配置好了。 三、程序编写 现在只是识别串口,但是还没有功能,下面就来编写一下简单的功能 虚拟串口主要用到usbd_cdc_if.c里的两个缓存数组和收发函数。
The problem is that when I go to connect my board to the pc, it is read as a USB device and not as 'STMicroelectronics STLink Virtual COM port'.How can I fix? I'm trying in every way, installing drivers etc but the problem persists. p.s. I have windows 10 and I can debug th...
Starting from Windows®10, the STSW-STM32102 driver is no more adequate and the usage of the native inbox driver is recommended. All features Virtual COM port driver installation package for Windows®operating systems: 98SE, 2000, XP, Vista®, 7, and 8.x ...
前段时间调试基于STM32F4/F7系列的usb虚拟串口,我的win7系统不知道啥情况一直装不上去。今天试了好长时间,有了方法。 1:先安装VCP_V1.4.0_Setup.exe,安装时候注意安装在那个位置,比如我的地方是C:\Program Files (x86)\STMicroelectronics\Software 2:打开C:\Program Files (x86)\STMicroelectronics\Software,在...
安装驱动前先不要连接usb线,将下载的文件解压: 将mdmcpq.inf复制到c:/windows/inf/里面去 将usbser.sys复制到C:/windows/system32/drivers/里面去 安装驱动软件VCP_V1.3.1_Setup_x64.exe,64位机安装X64 然后重新插入usb线,并在设备管理器界面右键选更新驱动 ...
STM32Cube MCU Full Package for the STM32H7 series - (HAL + LL Drivers, CMSIS Core, CMSIS Device, MW libraries plus a set of Projects running on all boards provided by ST (Nucleo, Evaluation and Discovery Kits)) stm32stm32h7stm32cube-mcu-package ...