The judgment was the result of a dispute between Monsanto and rural producers in Rio Grande do Sul. The aim of this article is to analyze this judgment, examining its legal foundations, contradictions and effects. The problem here is: Did the STJ's decision respect the 1988 Constitution and...
巴西烤肉 据说,巴西烤肉发源于巴西最南端的州Rio Grande do Sul,相传当地以放牧为生的高卓人经常聚集在篝火旁,烘烤大块的牛肉分而食之,这种烧烤方法传播开来,成为巴西独特的美食。巴西烧烤品种丰富而且原材料非常考究,专业的烧烤厨师将大块大块的鲜牛肉、羊排、羊腿、牛排、圣诞火腿等放入烤架,一圈圈的铁链在齿轮的带动...