The opening scenes of the award-winning Brazilian film "City of God" (2002) portray a newly constructed housing complex situated on the outskirts of Rio de Janeiro. Subsequently, this complex evolves into a hub of poverty and violence. Despite the film being set in the 1960s, the housing ...
Home Real Sporting de Gijón, the stadium is reimagined by the architecture office Sordo Madaleno together with Orlegi Sports. The proposal aims to increase the stadium’s capacity to accommodate 9,000 additional visitors to the 33,650 fixed seats during the World Cup. It also strives to ...
D uring the early morning hours of Good Friday in 2004 a long- distance phone call was made from Rio de Janeiro largest slum to a smallisland in the Caribbean. The connection was weak, which made thedistressed caller even more difficult to understand. The call came from a...