STI-matrixindoorofficeopen plan officesimulationComplaints about noise in offices, restaurants and other public areas mostly originate in unwanted intelligibility of speech from other areas or in a lack of intelligibility within the own communication area. For any planning scenario these problems can be...
This effect is reported frequently: after adding absorbing material at ceiling, floor or walls of an office which has been considered as uncomfortably reverberant, the workers complain that they now clearly understand speaking coworkers located far away from thei...
The STI-Matrix technique supports the study of every speaker-to-listener combinations within a room, so the best conditions are met. This contribution presents the technique demonstrated for a planned restaurant where multiple conditions should be fulfilled.Antonio Notario...
Acoustic Evaluation and Assessment of Offices and Public Rooms with the STI-Matrix MethodNotario, AntonioBhm, MichaelINTER-NOISE and NOISE-CON Congress and Conference Proceedings
(2012). STICCS reveals matrix-dependent adhesion slipping and gripping in migrating cells. Biophys. J. 103: 1672-82.T. Toplak, E. Pandzic, L. Chen, M. Vicente-Manzanares, A.R. Horwitz, P.W. Wiseman, STICCS reveals matrix-dependent adhesion slipping and gripping in migrating cells, ...
E cient sti ness matrix estimation for elastic structuresWoodgate, Keith G
combinatorial matrix theoryGordan-Stiemke theorem0,1)-matrixBy use of the Gordan-Stiemke Theorem of the alternative we demonstrate the similarity of four theorems in combinatorial matrix theory. Each theorem contains five equivalent conditions, one of which is the existence in a given pattern of a...
Special Features of Finite Element Sti ness Matrices 5 Positive De niteness 6 Matrix Condition and Diagonal DominanceJayadeep, U B M E D
The Effects of the Extracellular Matrix Microstructural Deformation on the Nuclear Aspect Ratio of the Tricuspid Valve Interstitial Cells: A Computational Studydoi:10.1080/24748706.2020.1712948Vineet ThomasSamuel SalinasNeda RashidiRouzbeh Amini