still-born 英[s'tɪlb'ɔ:n] 美[s'tɪlb'ɔn] 释义 [法] 死产的,流产的 实用场景例句 全部 To realize the value of nine months. Ask a monther who gave birth a still born. 想要懂得九个月的价值, 去问一位产下死婴的母亲....
死产儿 Still Born 2017 mkv 小洋影视库 《死产儿》2017全集惊悚上线,布兰登·克里斯坦森执导,克里斯蒂·柏克、杰西·莫斯等主演,讲述新妈妈Mary保护唯一存活新生儿Adam,对抗超自然实体的恐怖故事。 我这里有一份它的高清全集无删减的完整可播放资源,已完结完整版全集,不卡顿无广告,可以光速免费在线观看,点击[死 产儿 St...
still-born 英 [stɪl bɔːn] 美 [stɪl bɔːrn]网络 死产的
Still/Born: Directed by Brandon Christensen. With Christie Burke, Jesse Moss, Rebecca Olson, Jenn Griffin. Mary, a new mother, gives birth to twins, but only one of them is alive. While taking care of her living child, Adam, she suspects that something,
词条still-born在英语 » 德语中的译文 (跳至德语 » 英语) ˈstill·born形不变的 stillbornbaby,animalyoung totgeboren stillborn引ideas,plans,proposals nichtumsetzbar[o.realisierbar] shegavebirthtoastillbornbaby siehatteeineTotgeburt PONS词典中的例句(已经编辑处理) ...
born of 源于;出生于 be born of 出身于…,出生在…家庭 be born with 生来就有…,有…天赋 as still as still 鸦雀无声,万籁俱寂 相似单词 still born 【法】 死产的, 流产的 born a. 1.出生的;产生的 2.天生的;法定的 3.十足的;没有希望的 4...出生的;...产生的 Born 博恩(①姓氏...
作者:Guadalupe Nettel 出版社:Fitzcarraldo Editions 出版年:2022-8-9 页数:200 定价:GBP 12.99 装帧:Paperback ISBN:9781913097660 豆瓣评分 评价人数不足 评价: 写笔记 写书评 加入购书单 分享到 推荐 内容简介· ··· Still Born, Guadalupe Nettel’s fourth novel, explores one of life’s most consequent...
Guadalupe Nettel is the author of four international-award winning novels: El huésped , The Body Where I was Born, After the Winter, and Still Born; and three collections of short stories. Her work has been translated into more than ten languages and has appeared in publications such as the...