stillborn babies stillborn babies发音 意思翻译 死胎 相似词语短语 stillborns───adj.死产的;失败的 anchor babies───定锚婴儿(指为获得美国国籍在美国出生的外国小孩,或来自非法移民家庭的小孩) boom babies───婴儿潮 jelly babies───做成娃娃形状的凝胶软糖 ...
Many such babies arestillbornor die shortly after birth. 许多被感染的胎儿要么是死产,要么出生不久就夭折了. 期刊摘选 Her second child wasstillborn. 她第二胎孩子生下时就是死的. 辞典例句 Progenitive force ebbs ,stillbornfoetus, strange embryo increases. ...
读音:英['stɪlbɔːn] 美['stɪlbɔrn] stillborn 基本解释 a. 生下来已死的, 死产的 [医] 死产的 stillborn 词性变化 名词复数形式:stillborns 词组短语 1、stillborninfant [网络] 死胎 2、stillbornbabies 死胎 3、stillbornkingdom 死胎王国 ...
歌曲名《Stillborn》,由 Spit Babies 演唱,收录于《Feed》专辑中,《Stillborn》下载,《Stillborn》在线试听,更多Stillborn相关歌曲推荐,尽在网易云音乐
Four stillborn babies found in garbagePress Trust of India
•All anencephalus children are either miscarried, diestillborn, or die within a few weeks of life.•Many Down's babies are miscarried,stillbornor live only a few days.•Some may find him placing far too much emphasis on the impact of his alcoholic parents andstillborntwin brother, ...
•Libby had still notrecoveredfrom theshockof giving birth to astillbornchild.•All anencephalus children are eithermiscarried, diestillborn, or die within a few weeks of life.•Many Down's babies are miscarried,stillbornor live only a few days.•Some may find him placing far too much...
•Libby had still notrecoveredfrom theshockof giving birth to astillbornchild.•All anencephalus children are eithermiscarried, diestillborn, or die within a few weeks of life.•Many Down's babies are miscarried,stillbornor live only a few days.•Some may find him placing far too much...
less certain. The data also suggest that the attitudes of staff influence whether mothers hold their stillborn babies. If guided by staff in a sensitive way to hold her stillborn term baby, the experience will possibly be beneficial for the mother for the short term as well in the long term...
同义词:abortiveunsuccessful (of newborn infant) showing no signs of life at birth; not liveborn "a stillborn baby" 学习怎么用 权威例句 Stillborn Stillborn Stillborn Neospora caninum (Apicomplexa) in a stillborn goat. Effects of Contact with Stillborn Babies on Maternal Anxiety and Depression ...