1979. Applications of the Gordan-Stiemke theorem in combinatorial matrix theory, SIAM Rev. 21 :528-541.B . D. Saunders and H. Schneider : Applications of the Gordan-Stiemke theorem III combinatorial matrix theory . SIAM Rev . 21 (1979), 528-541....
1979. Applications of the Gordan-Stiemke theorem in combinatorial matrix theory, SIAM Rev. 21 :528-541.B. D. Saunders and H. Schneider. Applications of the Gordan-Stiemke theorem in combinatorial matrix theory. SIAM Review, 21:528-541, 1979....
The extensions of Farkas-Minkowski's Lemma and Stiemke's Lemma are the Basic Valuation Theorem in the case (l1, l∞). The security price is weakly arbitrage-free if and only if there exists a positive state vector; the security price is strictly arbitrage-free if and only if there ...
Extensions of Farkas-Minkowski's Lemma and Stiemke's Lemma in the Space l~1 ExtensionsofFarkas┐Minkowski'sLemmaandStiemke'sLemmaintheSpacel1*ZhangShunming(张顺明)SchoolofEconomicsandManagement,TsinghuaUni...张顺明清华大学学报:自然科学英文版