Synonyms for stick-in-the-muds in Free Thesaurus. Antonyms for stick-in-the-muds. 21 synonym for stick-in-the-mud: (old) fogey, conservative, reactionary, stick, dinosaur, die-hard, fuddy-duddy, Colonel Blimp, sobersides, fogy, fossil... What are synony
The meaning of STICK is a woody piece or part of a tree or shrub. How to use stick in a sentence. Synonym Discussion of Stick.
The meaning of STICK is a woody piece or part of a tree or shrub. How to use stick in a sentence. Synonym Discussion of Stick.
stick-in-the-mud(p) stick-up stickball stickball gameAlternative searches for stick with: Search for Definitions for stick with Search for Antonyms for stick with Search for Anagrams for stick with Quotes containing the term stick with Search for Phrases containing the term stick with Search for...
stick-in-the-mud stickle stickleback stickler stick-on stickpin sticks and stone sticktight sticktight flea stickup stickup man stickweed sticky sticky aster ▼ Full browser ? ▲ stick to the knitting stick to the letter of the law stick to the point stick to the ribs stick to the ribs...
Synonym Study Stick, adhere, cohere mean to cling to or be tightly attached to something. Adhere implies that one kind of material clings tenaciously to another; cohere adds the idea that a thing is attracted to and held by something like itself: Particles of sealing wax cohere and form a ...
stuckwith the job of cleaning up 8 :to become fixed in place by or as if by gluing his footstuckin the mud 9 a :to remain in a place, situation, or environment decided tostickwhere he was b :to hold to something tightly:cling ...
Synonyms for stick insect in Free Thesaurus. Antonyms for stick insect. 2 synonyms for stick insect: walkingstick, walking stick. What are synonyms for stick insect?
stick-in-the-mud stickle stickleback stickler stick-on stickpin sticks and stone sticktight sticktight flea stickup stickup man stickweed sticky ▼ Full browser ? ▲ stick to guns stick to her fingers stick to her guns stick to her knitting stick to her last stick to her ribs stick to ...
The meaning of STICK is a woody piece or part of a tree or shrub. How to use stick in a sentence. Synonym Discussion of Stick.