stick 是「棍子;棒子」,而 mud 是「泥巴」 a stick in the mud 字面上的意思是「插在泥巴裡的棍子」 想必是硬梆梆、不容易動搖的 所以我們會用 a stick in the mud 來形容這樣一個人 凡事不知變通,或是一個不肯接受新事物的人 像一根「插在泥巴裡的棍子」 或是我們平常說的「老古板」 我們來造些句...
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'stick', 'stiffen', 'stiffly', 'stiffness', 'stifle', 'stifling', 'stillness', 'stilt', 'stimulant', 'stimulate', 'stimuli', 'stimulus', 'stinger', 'stingily', 'stinging', 'stingray', 'stingy', 'stinking', 'stinky', 'stipend', 'stipulate', 'stir', 'stitch', 'stock', 'stoic...
However, DeSantis ran twice against weak opponents and is about to face more scrutiny and tougher tests. The Trump camp – aided by the King of Slime, Roger Stone – will throw lots of mud; they’re already trying to paint DeSantis as a corrupt pervert. That’s what they do. DeSantis...