git clone cd STGNN-for-Covid-in-Korea pip install -e . Install package using pip pip install git+ Main components There are some components/modules in our code. Please ...
Spatio-temporal graph neural network for predicting COVID-19 new cases in Korea. - STGNN-for-Covid-in-Korea/ at master · KienMN/STGNN-for-Covid-in-Korea
python --save_dir <save-dir> --demo_file /mimic_admission_demo.csv --edge_modality 'demo' --feature_type 'multimodal' --ehr_feature_file <ehr-feature-dir>/ehr_preprocessed_seq_by_day_cat_embedding.pkl \ --edge_ehr_file <ehr-feature-dir>/ehr_preprocessed_seq_by_day...
原文: 代码: 本文创新点1.1 现有交通预测模型存在的问题最近提出的一些用来解决交通预测问题的时空图神经网络模型…
Code for our VLDB'22 paper: "Decoupled Dynamic Spatial-Temporal Graph Neural Network for Traffic Forecasting".We all depend on mobility, and vehicular transportation affects the daily lives of most of us. Thus, the ability to forecast the state of traffic in a road network is an important fun...
The code is available at Dataset We use three datasets to evaluate our method, including C-MAPSS, UCI-HAR, and ISRUC-S3. C-MAPSS You can access here, and put the downloaded dataset into directory 'CMAPSSData'. For running the experiments on C...
github 上边暂时未找到开源 本文创新点: 提出了一种新的具有位置注意机制的图神经网络层,以更好地聚合邻近道路的交通流信息; 结合了RNN和Transformer,以捕获局部和全局的时间依赖性; 提出了一个新的时空GNN框架STGNN,该框架专门用于建模具有复杂拓扑和时间依赖性的系列数据 ...
•代码: 给大家介绍一篇由新加坡科技研究局(A*STAR)与新加坡南洋理工大学联合发表的多元时间序列领域文献,目前已被AAAI2024录用。 01 研究背景 多元时间序列数据具有序列性和多源性,这使得数据内在地表现出空间-时间(ST)依赖性。这些依赖性包括时间戳之间的时间相关性以及...
北京出租车数据集,郑宇,"BJ15_M32x32_T30_InOut.h5",原始数据shape=(5596,2,32,32),"2"代表出In/Out两种流量。"32,32"代表网格化地图形状。 备注:数据应用在ST-ResNet(AAAI17,郑宇的经典,该领域的里程碑)中。 NYC-Taxi 纽约出租车数据集,"volume.train.npz",原始数据shape=(1920,10,20,2),"10,20...
Code for our VLDB'22 paper: "Decoupled Dynamic Spatial-Temporal Graph Neural Network for Traffic Forecasting".We all depend on mobility, and vehicular transportation affects the daily lives of most of us. Thus, the ability to forecast the state of traffic in a road network is an important fun...