The PyTorch implementation of STGCN from the paper Spatio-Temporal Graph Convolutional Networks: A Deep Learning Framework for Traffic Forecasting. Paper Citation @inproceedings{10.5555/3304222.3304273, author = {Yu, Bing and Yin, Haoteng and Zhu, Zhanxing}, title ...
The PyTorch implementation of STGCN. Contribute to OracleRay/STGCN_pytorch development by creating an account on GitHub.
TCN: ChebNet: GCN: Dataset Source METR-LA: DCRNN author's Google Drive PEMS-BAY: DCRNN author's Google Drive PeMSD7(M): STGCN author's GitHub repository Preprocessing Using the formula fr...
The PyTorch implementation of STGCN. Contribute to OracleRay/STGCN_pytorch development by creating an account on GitHub.
The PyTorch implementation of STGCN. Contribute to OracleRay/STGCN_pytorch development by creating an account on GitHub.
The PyTorch implementation of STGCN from the paper Spatio-Temporal Graph Convolutional Networks: A Deep Learning Framework for Traffic Forecasting. Paper Citation @inproceedings{10.5555/3304222.3304273, author = {Yu, Bing and Yin, Haoteng and Zhu, Zhanxing}, title ...
# In PyTorch, GLU is computed as the element-wise multiplication of X_a and sigmoid(X_b). # More information can be found here: # The provided code snippet, (x_p + x_in) ⊙ sigmoid(x_q), is an example ...
建议使用与STGCN兼容的PyTorch版本,如PyTorch 1.2.0。 安装CUDA和cuDNN,确保GPU加速可用。 安装OpenPose: OpenPose是一个用于人体姿态估计的开源库,可以提取人体骨骼关节的坐标信息。STGCN的输入通常需要这些坐标信息。 下载并安装OpenPose,并配置好环境,使其能够输出所需的关节点坐标。 获取STGCN代码: 可以从GitHub或...
pytorch版本,代码链接hazdzz/STGCN: The PyTorch version of STGCN. ( 一、数据处理 STGCN使用了两种GCN方式,一种是切比雪夫卷积,一种是切比雪夫一阶近似卷积的方式。 频域图卷积的公式一般可以概括为以上公式,其中 Ugθ(Λ)UT 这一项,是需要先计算出来的。在代码中,将这一项的计算分成了八类,名称...
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