作者:Steven Pinker史蒂芬·平克 出版社名称:Penguin Books 出版时间:2015 语种: 英文 ISBN:9780143127796 商品尺寸:13.4 x 2 x 20.2 cm 包装:平装 页数:368 纽时畅销作家、Language Instinct《语言本能》作者 享誉国际的认知科学 ╳ 心理语言学家 为21世纪知识分子所写的英语写作指南良好的写作并非本能,对人类来说...
作者:Steven Pinker 出版社名称:Penguin Books 出版时间:2008 语种:英文 ISBN:9780143114246 商品尺寸:13.8 x 2.7 x 21.3 cm 包装:平装 页数:512The Stuff of Thought: Language as a Window into Human Nature《思想本质:语言是洞察人类天性之窗》是当代伟大思想家、世界语言学家和认知心理学家史蒂芬·平克的扛鼎...
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Steven Pinker, Canadian-born American psychologist who advocated evolutionary explanations for the functions of the brain and thus for language and behavior. His notable books included The Language Instinct, How the Mind Works, and The Blank Slate. Learn
Web site for Steven Pinker, Johnstone Professor of Psychology, Harvard University and author of books on language, mind, & human nature.
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思想本质:语言是洞察人类天性之窗 史蒂芬平克(Steven Pinker)著, 张旭红, pdf epub mobi txt 电子书 下载 具体描述 基本信息 商品名称: 思想本质:语言是洞察人类天性之窗(《纽约时报》书,【史蒂芬·平克“语言与人性”四部曲】) 作者: 史蒂芬·平克(Steven Pinker)著, 张旭红,梅德明 译 开本: 定价: 129.9 ...
Steven Pinker is a cognitive scientist who is interested in all aspects of language, the mind and human nature. As a professor of psychology at Harvard (previously Stanford and MIT), he conducts research in visual cognition, psycholinguistics and social relations. His prize-winning work includes ...
1,799,212 views| Steven Pinker | TED2003 • February 2003Takeaways Share Save LikeRead transcript Steven Pinker's book The Blank Slate argues that all humans are born with some innate traits. Here, Pinker talks about his thesis, and why some ...
思想本质:语言是洞察人类天性之窗 史蒂芬·平克(Steven Pinker)著, 张旭红, pdf epub mobi txt 电子书 下载 具体描述 基本信息 书名:思想本质:语言是洞察人类天性之窗 定价:129.9元 作者:史蒂芬·平克(Steven Pinker)著, 张旭红, 出版社:浙江人民出版社 出版日期:2015-08-01 ISBN:9787213067990 字数:1 页码: ...