收藏 评分 年份 角色 人性中的善良天使 2483 8.5 2015 作者 语言本能 648 8.1 2004 作者 > 我来报错 > 我来补充 >去 斯蒂芬·平克 作者页 © 2005-2025 douban.com, all rights reserved 北京豆网科技有限公司 关于豆瓣 · 在豆瓣工作 · 联系我们 · 法律声明 · 帮助中心 · 图书馆合作 · 移动应用...
I have benefited tremendously from the wisdom of generous readers who reviewed the entire manuscript—Rebecca Newberger Goldstein, David Haig, David Kemmerer, Roslyn Pinker, and Barbara Spellman—and from the mavens who commented on chapters in their areas of expertise: Linda Abarbanell, Ned Block,...
Steven Pinker, Canadian-born American psychologist who advocated evolutionary explanations for the functions of the brain and thus for language and behavior. His notable books included The Language Instinct, How the Mind Works, and The Blank Slate. Learn
Web site for Steven Pinker, Johnstone Professor of Psychology, Harvard University and author of books on language, mind, & human nature.
pinker (redirected fromSteven Pinker) Wikipedia pink1 (pĭngk) n. 1.Any of a group of colors reddish in hue, of medium to high lightness, and of low to moderate saturation. 2. a.Any of various plants of the genusDianthus,such as sweet William, often cultivated for their showy, fragran...
Mathematics by Steven Pinker We can tell you if you would like this book! Rate some books to find out!BlurbThe Language Instinct is a 1994 book by Steven Pinker, written for a general audience. Pinker argues that humans are born with an innate capacity for language. He deals ...
STEVEN PINKER:One aspect of the book unlike anything that came out of the Enlightenment is the use of data as a basic component of the argumentation. It’s not that I think Enlightenment figures would have found this mode of argument alien. On the contrary, the use of graphs to visualize...
Harvard psychology professor Steven Pinker joins us to talk about his latest book, Rationality: What It Is, Why It Seems Scarce, Why It Matters.
Books -- the Language Instinct: How the Mind Creates Language by Steven PinkerSteven Pinker. The Language Instinct: How the Mind Creates Language. New York: William Morrow,...MacNeal, EdwardInternational Society for General Semanticset Cetera...