steve jobs is a visionary. he is like a distant family member we have never met, but praise all the time. his products have permeated our lives for as long as i can remember. he will be missed, but never forgotten. may his family find comfort it knowing his vision and legacy will li...
Glenn Fleishman
英文简短介绍steve jobs:Steve Jobs was a famous American businessman and inventor in the world.He was co-founder,chairman,and chief executive officer of Apple Inc.He was widely recognized as a charismatic pioneer of the personal computer revolution.From the year of 2003,Steve Jobs ...
Steve Jobs的创作者 ··· 沃尔特·艾萨克森 作者 作者简介 ··· Walter Isaacson, the CEO of the Aspen Institute, has been the chairman of CNN and the managing editor of Time magazine... He is the author of Einstein: His Life and Universe, Benjamin Franklin: An American Life, ...
产品教父——Steve Jobs Steve Jobs 当提到技术领域的创新和设计,Steve Jobs是一个不可避免的名字。他被誉为产品教父,是苹果公司的创始人之一,也是许多颠覆性产品的推手。乔布斯是一位传奇的产品人,他领导苹果公司推出了一系列颠覆性的产品,如iPod、iPhone和iPad等,这些产品不仅改变了人们对数字设备的看法,还成为了...
乔布斯 (Steve Jobs) 辞世 iPhone 4S 发布刚刚一天,今天苹果官方挂出大幅黑白乔布斯遗像以及官方悼念页面,告诉世界:乔布斯,21 世纪至今为止最伟大的 CEO,一手打造苹果,并将其扶上王座的技术天才、管理大师、创新源泉,离开了这个世界,享年 56 岁。 苹果的官方悼词:...
Steve Jobs 名词 史蒂夫·乔布斯史蒂夫·乔布斯(1955-2011),发明家、企业家、美国苹果公司联合创办人、前行政总裁。1976年乔布斯和朋友成立苹果电脑公司,他陪伴了苹果公司数十年的起落与复兴,先后领导和推出了麦金塔计算机、iMac、iPod、iPhone等风靡全球亿万人的电子产品,深刻地改变了现代通讯、娱乐乃至生活的方式。2011...
Steve Jobs was an American entrepreneur and the co-founder of Apple Inc., one of the most successful and innovative companies in the world. Jobs' success story is one of perseverance, innovation, and a relentless pursuit of his vision. He changed the face of the technology industry and his...