《乔布斯自传》Steve Jobs A Biography 2 下载积分: 1500 内容提示: The successful IPO meant that Pixar would no longer have to be dependent on Disney to finance its movies. That was just the leverage Jobs wanted. “Because we could now fund half the cost of our movies, I could demand half...
biography-steve jobsRomain
Jobs would father and abandon a child of his own. (He eventually took responsibility for her.) Chrisann Brennan, the mother of that child, said that being put up for adoption left Jobs "full of broken glass," and it helps to explain some of his behavior. "He who is abandoned...
选择《史蒂夫·乔布斯传》作为PALACE书评专栏的开篇,是因为如果让我选择一生只能读一本书,那我会选择这本,乔布斯是真正改变世界的人,改变世界是从根本上改变人们的生活方式。 书的第一页写的是1997年苹果”非同凡响“广告的广告词:那些疯狂到以为自己能够改变世界的人,才能够真正改变世界。年轻气盛时读到这句话,真...
这本《史蒂夫·乔布斯传(Steve Jobs:A Biography乔布斯唯一正式授权传记简体中文版)》于2011年10月24日全球出版,简体中文版同步上市! 原定明年3月出版的唯一授权的传记《史蒂夫·乔布斯传(Steve Jobs:A Biography乔布斯唯一正式授权传记简体中文版)》,一度提前到2011年11月21日,乔布斯病逝当天,美国出版方西蒙舒斯特宣...
Steve Jobs knew from an early age that he was adopted. “My parents were very open with me about that,” he recalled. He had a vivid memory of sitting on the lawn of his house, when he was six or seven years old, telling the girl who lived across the street. “So does that ...
Jobs worked during the summers, spending one summer in an apple orchard; he was so happy there that he later named his first legitimate business "Apple." Even in grade school he had shown a great aptitude for electronics, and he had been fortunate to have an engineer for a neighbor, who...
Movies and Book about Steve Jobs Before his death, Jobs granted author and journalist Walter Isaacson permission to write his official biography. Jobs sat for more than 40 interviews with the Isaacson, who also talked to more than 100 of Jobs’ family, friends, and colleagues. Initially schedu...
Steve Jobs Biography The well-known businessman, computer genius, and even digital entertainmentSteve Paul Jobs, better known asSteve Jobs, was born in the city of San Francisco, California, the United States, on February 24, 1955, and died in the city of Palo Alto, California, United State...