Self Forgiveness, for those who ask, “How can I be more forgiving of myself?”. Please be assured that this is an important chapter in the book. Self Forgivensss is an also important and surprising aspect of forgiving others. Often we find that a Forgiveness Session or workshop, includes...
Release it: Action It Out. ‘I forgive myself for making this choice. I will call my friend today and express an apology. I will sit with the discomfort. I will learn from this.’ Recognizing that although you are not okay with what you did at the moment and accepting there will alwa...
This might be the hardest one of the exercises. For some reason, we tend to hold a grudge against our past selves. But it doesn’t do any good to be unforgiving. For a long time, I was guilty of thinking, “I’ll never forgive myself for what I did!” But as I started to do...
Like you, I am imperfect. I have done things that have shamed me to the core. I have regrets. I have a shadow self. But I’ve also done a lot ofinner workand healing that has helped me to move past my mistakes and transform as a person. I’m sure there will be many more hicc...
Is loving myself the same as being selfish?No, loving yourself is not selfish. It's about acknowledging your worth and taking care of your well-being, which enables you to show up as your best self in interactions with others. There's a profound difference between self-love and selfishnes...
Now I know that I can forgive(原谅) myself for not knowing better in the past.I can work hard to learn each day and move forward.I can take steps each day that f1 l me up instead of tearing me and others down. I know I can't control everything,but I can contr...
“What do I want to be doing right now?” “What do I wish I had done differently?” “What do I regret?” “What do I love?” “What do I like about myself?” “What do I admire about others?” “What do I envy?”
Not only that, but through meditation, you’ll improve your focus, reduce your stress and get to know yourself on an intimate level. Through meditation and mindfulness techniques that I use every day, I’ve learned to accept myself and who I am, which is a crucial element of loving y...
I had a lot of problems back then, had no self-confidence, didn’t love myself and so much more but now I have improved for the better. If I can become the best version of myself then so can you, I am here to help you with that. Turning your life around can be easy if you...
They played with tremendous zest, like two city gents who wanted hard exercise to open their pores. You couldn't conceive a more innocent spectacle. They shouted and laughed and stopped for drinks, when a maid brought out two tankards on a salver. I rubbed my eyes and asked m...