Know about the different steps of the HPLC analytical method development in pharmaceutical analysis. Analytical method development is considered as a critical process in pharmaceuticals. Availability of the different types of columns, operating parameters, mobile phase composition, diluent and pH values mak...
Particle size distribution (PSD) is known to be a Critical Process Parameter (CPP) involved in filter capacity and is much more impactful than turbidity and pressure alone. Particle Size Distribution (PSD) can be integrated over time to map particle accumulation onto filters (probe abov...
HILIC Method Development in a Few Simple StepsNeutral,zwitterionic or mixture ofacids + basesMonica DolciLuisa PereiraThermo Fisher ScientificRuncornCheshireDafydd MiltonTony Edge
trace i–vi). This is unsurprising since the diphosphate moiety of ThDP is bound to the transketolase through a bivalent cation to form the catalytically activeholo-enzyme from theapo-protein24,25. Protein sequence alignment of multiple transketolases shows that the residues involved in the interac...
Farnesylation is a key maturation step involved in the ras-dependent transformation of cells. This acylation step is catalyzed by protein: farnesyltransferase, a soluble enzyme. The present work describes the use of a new HPLC method of measurement of this enzymatic activity using the K-ras-derived...
with the 38 kDa domain found inserted in the stand-alone NRPS CysH (69% identity/83% similarity), which is involved in cystobactamid linker biosynthesis (Supplementary Fig.9a)1. Despite the high structural similarity between these two unusual domains, completely different reaction mechanisms were...
(Collosoma macropomum)33. Similarly, the salmon microbiome composition is modified during transit from freshwater to sea water34. However, to the best of our knowledge, no studies have addressed the question of how the microbiome changes in two marine species that become involved in a symbiotic ...
Type-IV trichomes are involved in critical mechanisms of arthropod herbivory resistance in the Solanum genus and beyond. In the wild species S. pennellii, S. galapagense, and S. habrochaites, glandular trichomes are found at high densities, resulting in a high AS accumulation [13,22,26,27,...
Fig. 1. A flow chart showing the processing steps involved in the manufacture of casein mass and whey from whole milk [26]. Sweet whey is much more preferred than acid whey from processing point of view because acid whey contains comparatively less amount of lactose and proteins for recovery...
would induce a conformational change in loop β32-33 (Supplementary Fig.1). As shown in Fig.1a, the hydroxyl group of 4-HPA would form hydrogen bonds with the side chains of R113, Y117, and H155, which are highly conserved and involved in the catalytic reaction. The carboxyl group of ...