Founder & CEO ofWolfram Research Creator ofMathematica,Wolfram|Alpha&Wolfram Language Author ofA New Kind of Scienceandother books Originator ofWolfram Physics Project Latest Writings Loading... All Writings Books All Books & Publications © Stephen Wolfram, LLC...
Wolfram 语言的跨学科性和灵活性使它成为科学家、工程师和数据分析师的重要工具。 在与 Wolfram|Alpha 结合时,Wolfram 语言的自然语言查询功能得到充分发挥,使用户可以通过简单文本输入获得复杂的计算结果。凭借这种易用性和计算能力,Wolfram 语言在科研、教育及部分企业管理中广泛应用。 5►《一种新科学》发表 ...
Inside the Head of ChatGPT: Author Interview, Stephen Wolfram x Takahiro Yasuno “AI, SF, and Luriad” » Hayakawa Books & Magazines, September 27, 2023 Decoding the Universe with Stephen Wolfram: Bridging the Gap between Man, Mind and Machine » MindHack Podcast, #051, September 21,...
Thanks to some heroic software engineering byour teamand byOpenAI, ChatGPT can now call on Wolfram|Alpha—andWolfram Languageas well—to give it what we might think of as “computational superpowers”. It’s still very early days for all of this, but it’s already very impressive—and one...
And although it’s now more than 30 years later, I’m happy to say that we’ve successfully maintained the compatibility of the Wolfram Language, and those same functions still just run! The .ma format of my Version 2.0 notebooks from 1991 has to be converted to .nb, but then they ...
Would you enjoy "一种新科学" or similar books? Take the test now! | A New Kind of Science is a best-selling, controversial book by Stephen Wolfram, published in …
so Wolfram must have known them too, for he read an "immense number of articles books and web...
2022年人工智能与数学国际研讨会(ISAIM 2022)恰逢著名计算机科学家、贝叶斯网络之父 Judea Pearl 85岁生日,会议期间Mathematica创始人 Stephen Wolfram 对 Pearl 做了一次专访交流。在访谈中 Pearl 介绍了他的个人成长与科研经历,分享了对人工智能、统计学、因果结构的深刻认识。两人还探讨了元胞自动机等复杂系统研究中...
In addition to serving as the Founder and CEO of Wolfram Research, Stephen is the creator of Mathematica, Wolfram|Alpha, and the Wolfram Language; he originated the Wolfram Physics Project and has authoredA New Kind of Sciencealong wit...
There’s thetext of many books: There’sgeospatial data: Many of the data resources currently in the Wolfram Data Repository are quite tabular in nature. But unlike traditional spreadsheets or tables in databases, they’re not restricted to having just one level of rows and columns—becaus...